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Name: Mike Nagle

Bio: Sitting in a dark and exotic Warehouse in Jersey. Tumblr Blog: http://a-collection-of-ramblings.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NextChamp



If you read just this issue of Chew you’d think it was a silly comic. I guess a comic involving…

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What a strange issue. It’s so strange I have to do a review on it. Honestly, I don’t think Paul…

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Now that’s more like it! Last week had this series suffer from some really poor art from, shockingly, a Kubert….

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TheNextChampion's Recent Comments
August 28, 2013 10:59 pm Did anyone else find it hard to follow the story? A book with two Supermans and two Batmans made it a bit hard for me to figure who was who. Didn't have that issue at all the last two issues but here that was a problem. Still a fun comic and the art was pretty good. Shame that Lee couldn't do the whole thing but at least switching to Cinar made sense thematically for the issue. His pencils were really good but him and Lee don't really mesh well. Not the strongest issue by any means (especially with #2 being my POTW last month) but I'm still enjoying this series. 3/5
August 28, 2013 10:57 pm Good, but not great. The moments where both of the Lazarus's were just chatting was the best in my opinion. I still find myself not really caring about this universe and the politics behind them. I feel like we aren't getting as much character development with Forever and so I am losing interest as a result. Also, the art by Lark felt a bit rough in a lot of places. The panels showing Forever spouting her message to the group looked wonky. The final page, without spoiling it, really shows the issues where it doesn't even look complete. I want to try and get to through the first arc at least but I think it's looking easy how I'm not down for this in issues anymore. 3/5
August 27, 2013 9:09 pm Just like SHIELD, the delays were so rampant that I just don't care about this anymore. At least this is getting finish in some capacity. Oh well, I'll wait for a trade if that ever comes.
August 27, 2013 9:06 pm If we talk about just replacing Lee, than yes Booth is a big step down. But his work on Nightwing was pretty strong. So if it stays that way I'll probably get used to his art.
August 27, 2013 9:03 pm Yeah I completely forgot this was a theatrical film. It was a really good, mainly expanded, story in the Animated Series universe. As we all know, THE PHANTOM should have been much higher on this list. Thanks to the lovely and dreamy Billy Zane.
August 26, 2013 9:34 pm Ah Sin's Past. The first dent in the armor of JMS's run on Spider-Man. I know we used to argue about it like crazy; but I still think JMS's run was pretty damn good. But 'Sins Past' and 'OMD' really tarnished what could have been a classic run for the character. Here are some other big events, births, and deaths to occur on August 25th: Events -1944: Paris is liberated by Allied Soldiers during WWII. -1981/1989: Voyager 2 makes it's closest approach to Saturn; then Neptune 8 years later. Births -1530: Ivan the Terrible -1930: Sean Connery -1931: Regis Philbin Deaths -1227: Genghis Kahn -1776: David Hume -1984: Truman Capote -2000: Carl Barks -2012: Neil Armstrong
August 26, 2013 9:27 pm Aquaman Batman Incorporated Special Batman/Superman Deadpool Itty Bitty Hellboy Lazarus New Avengers BQ: Farscape and Stargate SG-1
August 26, 2013 9:24 pm The tie-in for AVENGERS are awesome-sauce. Gotta imagine this will be just as good. Although I hope Deodato improves from last issue.
August 26, 2013 9:23 pm Liking this so far although I must admit the story is still a bit predictable. I'm giving this an arc (which ends next month I believe) and if I still feel the same way I'll just trade wait.
August 26, 2013 9:22 pm his is going to be the most amazing thing ever. I haven't read any of the Superman Family Adventures comics these guys did....But if this is anything like Tiny Titans then this is going to be great.