Review by: TheNextChampion

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-I’m liking where this story is going in terms for Cho and Hercules. Now that we know Athena wants Cho to be the next ‘Prince of Power’ it certainly adds a dilemma to this title. Will Hercules die and will Amadeus Cho become the next Herc? Considering how dedicated I am to this title, I am very excited for this plot point. If anything were to change then that would be a HUGE change in the Marvel Universe.

-If Pak and Lente decided to write Mighty Avengers, I’d read it in a heartbeat. We don’t see all of the Mighty Avengers in this (at least I think, again I don’t read it), but I love the team we see. Any book that has USAgent, Hercules, Pym, and Quicksilver is my kind of team. Especially if this writing team could do the title. Just a great take on USAgent and I would kill to see a ongoing or even just a mini on the character. Some of the New Avengers are in here as well, but to be honest they aren’t the highlight of this issue. Which is weird considering I loved the previous one-shot with Spidey and Herc fighting.

-There is a shitload of Greek mythology in this, it’s like an orgy really. So many Gods, monsters, and other characters are involved in this. What we’ve seen so far are a nice, modern take on them. I love the idea of Argus, a man with one hundred eyes, being the security for Olympus Group. Also on how they used a modern take on the ‘Trojan Horse’ story to sneak into the building. Finally, and it’s probably my favorite moment of the issue. It’s where Ares and Aphrodite has a scene together. Speaks volumes about the history of the two Gods and the ending was damn funny.

-The Agents of Atlas back up was actually entertaining for me. I think the problem was that it felt like I missed something with the first back up. Maybe they concluded the previous storyarc within this event? I don’t know. But now with them getting involved in the same fight with Hercules, this has stepped up quite a bit. Still setting up for a big fight next issue, but I do like the characters involved. Great art in it too.


-The major problem I had with the issue was the art by Buchemi. From the previous arc and the one-shot to set this event up; his art has been amazing. Here……not so much. A lot of the panels feels rushed and the characters look off in some places. Buchemi definitely cannot draw Wolverine to save his life. For a second I thought Hercules just got a dude who looks like Wolverine and not the real deal. There are some great pages in this thought, specifically the 2 two page spreads we get in this. So it’s not like it was awful or anything, just inconsistant.

-There really is no reason for Spider-Woman or Wolverine to get involved. I’m not against them being in this, as I know some people are. But you could pretty much replace them with any other heroes from Marvel.

So we’re technically two issues into this event and so far it’s lived up to expectations. There is a lot of Greek mythology involved so if you wanna get in ont his, you got some history to read up on. But there are some great fights, character moments, and an interesting story development going on here. It’s a shame that Buchemi’s art didn’t live up to the expectations but it isn’t all that bad. Considering the crap I read this week with Blackest Night, this was a fresh of breath air when it comes to events. Can’t wait for the next issue.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 3 - Good

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