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Talksplode #112 – James Robinson

Posted in: audio, specialedition

Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it’s Talksplode time. Here’s someone we haven’t talked to in a very long time, and never...

Pick of the Week #937 – Aliens: What If…? #5

Posted in: audio, potw

Yes, really, that is the Pick. We can’t control these things. It is what happens. We are merely vessels. How...

Mediasplode #49 – The Summer Mail Bag!

Posted in: audio, specialedition

Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode! Note: Time codes are subject to change...

Pick of the Week #936 – Action Comics #1076

Posted in: audio, potw

Are they colleagues or pals? And when is all of this happening, anyway? Either way, that’s a bad outfit. Woo!...

Pick of the Week #935 – Scarlett #2

Posted in: audio, potw

It’s a tight production this week, and the rare first/fifth week of comics makes an appearance. As such, we are...

Pick of the Week #934 – Zatanna: Bring Down The House, Book One

Posted in: audio, potw

But what does any of this have to do with UCSB Professor Dick Hebdige? Note: Time codes are subject to...

Booksplode #62 – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1

Posted in: audio, specialedition

Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode! This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a...

Pick of the Week #933 – Batman #149

Posted in: audio, potw

If a sloth farts in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?...

Mediasplode #48 – Old Men on Old Movies: Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)

Posted in: audio, specialedition

Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode! Note: Time codes are subject to change...

Pick of the Week #932 – The Avengers #781

Posted in: audio, potw

It’s… it’s not great, Bob. It’s so not great that we achieve the mythic four-email-scenario. Honestly, we can hardly believe...