Review by: TheNextChampion
Story by William Harms
Art by Declan Shalvey
Colors by Matthew Wilson
Letters by Jared K. Fletcher
Cover by Greg Tocchini

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

Marvel must be slowly listening to us when we want more Declan Shalvey in our comics. After seeing Shalvey go to town on Thunderbolts last week, this week we have him doing a Crossbone’s one-shot. Yes this is suppose to be a tribute issue for Captain America (for his 75th Birthday) but there is so little Cap in this book that it would be a waste of time mentioning him. If you were wondering what happened to Crossbones after the 150th issue of Thunderbolts, well you get your answer right here.

The story here by William Harris isn’t what I would call groundbreaking. This is a typical plot to show just how much of a evil man Crossbones is. Now having it set in Russia with werewolf monsters is anything but basic. But we’ve seen this type of plot before to show just how evil a man truly is in a comic world. I will say that the characterization of Crossbones is perfect by Harris. It’s a bit of a refresher into Crossbones origins, but Harris is able to make it intiruging and not boring as you’d expect. Crossbones has had a very tough life and some little things have made him the racist man he is today. Harris continues the characterization with Crossbones feeling sorry for the kid he may (or may not) have to kill in the issue. So there is definitely some good stuff with the characters in this issue if for the lackluster plot.

This one-shot is really all about the Shalvey art though. His art might not look impressive at first glance, but you really see the enormous detail in the pages the closer you look. I love the use of white space in this issue especially with the section where Crossbones is free falling in the air. Using that, and having panels showing his altitude in several panels, really gives you the sense he is falling. Plus, Shalvey uses white space again in a great interpretation of Cap getting shot with Sharon kneeling down on him. (It’s great to look at but I gotta admit I’m tiring of seeing that image at this point) I do love the dark, moody atmosphere that he creates in this small Russian village. Although Chernobyl is referenced in the comic this isn’t suppose to be that town, but I can tell Shalvey used the scene for reference at some points. Finally those werewolf creatures are really fucking scary and I was not prepaired for the level of violence at the end of this. Considering he did the 28 Days Later comic I should’ve been; but there was more violence in these final pages then anything in those first couple of issues of that other comic.

Marvel really does need to get on the ball and get Declan Shalvey on an ongoing series. His art will suit for a lot of characters in the Marvel Universe; and I’m shocked he isn’t offered the artist roles for the new Daredevil and/or Punisher ongoings (he’d be perfect for either series). As it stands though this was a great one-shot in terms of the art by Shalvey and if you haven’t seen a comic by him yet then this is a great jumping on point for the guy. Even though the story isn’t the best in the world, there is some good characterization of Crossbones in this one-shot too if you haven’t read any stories with him either.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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