Review by: TheNextChampion

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Avg Rating: 4.3
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WRITER: Ed Brubaker
PENCILS: Mike Deodato
COVER BY: Marko Djurdjevic

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

No one has called me out on this? I’m surprised. No one seemed to acknowledge that I stated I would never picked this series up. So yes I am flip flopping here. But can you blame me? Bendis’s ‘Avengers’ was nothing I wanted with a superhero team. I guess I will keep playing with these new teams until I find one I like. That didn’t take long….

I loved this book from beginning to end. Brubaker doing a spec-ops/covert team of any kind seems like a no brainer. Other then Rucka, no one else is qualified to do this but Brubaker. Unlike Bendis’s book, Brubaker gives us a great explaination why this team has to be formed. Fighting the threat before it occurs? Good idea. Although that doesn’t mean the plot is laid out right in front of us. There is some mystery to be had with a secret society and a ‘serpent crown’. No idea what any of it means, but Brubaker makes it interesting by taking us places and giving us clues along the way. Also, again unlike Bendis’s book, Brubaker introduces the team in a variety of ways. Lots of action for some, others with quiet moments with Rogers. Although he didn’t explain fully why War Machine and Valkyrie on the team, I’m sure he will with this arc. Plus we also see a continuation of Brubaker writing Rogers and Carter which, as an old Captain America fan, is a good thing. I step away before that series turned into rubbish, so good for Brubaker to give a reason for these two to be together again.

Mike Deodato is an artist I never really gave a try before. I’ve heard some good things and bad things about him. Here though, I absolutely loved it. Not perfect mind you, there are some moments where Deodato gives the characters some very bizarre reactions. Also, he does seem to love teeth in some cases. Still I like his style, and it fits well for the ‘covert’ aspect of this title. Maybe the colors are a bit dark in some places, but it gets all negated with some nice action sequences.

I didn’t even explain that I love the team in this. Rogers, Moon Knight, Nova, War Machine, Beast, Irredeemable Ant-Man! Just a great line up of characters here and that’s not even the full roster. This is the team I want to have as Avengers. To have a true purpose and to kick some major ass. With the really shocking reveal at the end of this issue, it’s only going to get better from here. If you felt bad after reading Bendis’s ‘Avengers’, then worry no more. This is the true Avengers to read.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I agree – great roster. Fantastic characterization of Beast, and really funny (and smutty) interplay between Valkyrie and Black Widow.

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