Review by: TheNextChampion

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Hooray! A third installment of a series no one wanted! I guess if Marvel Apes isnt doing the trick, then the company needed to rush out another zombie series to get the fanboys going.

Well get ready for the shock of the century but, this isnt a bad series….in fact it’s quite readable. Yes I was for sure I was going to tear this apart so badly it was going to need new staples. But the more I read it, the more fun I had with it. It sounds like a joke but: With this one issue of MZ3, it is already 100% better then the entire Marvel Zombies 2. No offense to Kirkman, but I definitely didnt feel the love of that sequal then Van Lente’s love of this sequal.

This isnt perfect, I mean overall even liking this first issue I still dont care the overall story of this. It’s cool that the zombies are finally going into the 616 universe; but I have a feeling we’re not going to see much of that and more of Machine Man’s adventure. Speaking of which, the characters I dont really care for either. Far from it for me to say that companies shouldnt use C or D list heroes, they should; but do I care about an adventure with Machine Man and Morbius as main characters? No.

But the overall tone of the book is handled nicely with the great art. Loved the art in this, had the feel of a Halloween or Evil Dead film. The first half of the book with the Florida Initiative was handled nicely. Not just because of a zombified Deadpool, but overall the tension was perfect, I just wish the quality of the writing would stay that way with the second half.

Overall the art is good, the story is pretty decent…But I just dont see myself buying all four issues of this series. Heck I didnt even want to buy this issue, it was just a surprise read at my LCS. But if you like zombies and marvel superheroes….This could be your cup of tea. Or just stick with the first series and Army of Darkness Tie-in and be happy with what you got there.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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