Review by: TheNextChampion

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Story by Roger Stern
Art by Philippe Briones
Colors by Matt Milla
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Phil Jimenez

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

Last month I had a pretty slow week in comics when ‘Captain America Corps #1’ came out. So I might have had a bias in regards to actually enjoying a comic when nothing came out for me. Roger Stern has been given reigns of putting together a team of Captain America’s to fight some big evil that…..well that hasn’t really appeared yet.

This wasn’t a bad comic by any means, it was just boring. I think Stern has a good voice for the characters but he doesn’t do anything but the obvious with them. Except for the best Captain America in the group: USAgent. If Marvel would give Stern hold of a USAgent mini then I’d buy that in a heartbeat. He’s such an angry, politically incorrect man in this mini that it’s always comical whenever he opens his mouth. But other characters, like American Dream or even Bucky-Cap, add nothing but generic characterization. Hell we’re almost halfway done the mini and we still don’t have a grasp of the villains in this. They seem to be doing something with multiple Steve Rogers but it never gets explained. Oh and judging from the design of ‘Bright Star’ (what a name!) Marvel might be hearing from DC considering she looks EXACTLY like Liberty Bell right up to how her hair design.

Last issue I was impressed by Philippe Briones art, even if it had some bizarre anatomy for the characters. Unfortunately this issue seems to be plagued more with weird facial designs and somewhat confusing flow of the panels. There are some nice pages in here, like the first two page spread with USAgent fighting Ameridroid, but they are few and far between. Heck look closely in some of the better pages and you got some wonky character designs. At least with the Corps members they are mostly hiddenn in their costumes; other characters (like Peter Parker) are down right unrecognizable in their regular clothing.

So I guess the mini’s true colors are revealed by being a bland, uninteresting comic. There is some craziness (or maybe even fun) to this mini but for the most part this was not much fun of a read. Briones pencils don’t add much to them by giving us bizarre looking characters and some unnatural movement between panels. Maybe when it’s all collected this will be a fun romp in the Marvel Universe. As it stands now though, I’d say you should save your money for Brubaker’s Captain America title.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 2 - Average


  1. I normally get events and minis in collected edition, but wanted a dose of Captain Ameria the week issue 1 came out, so I got that issue and enjoyed it a great deal for what it was – a comic with a bronze age vibe.

    I have not yet read issue 2, but will do so looking for the elements you say are in it, Champ.

    I DO fear the upcoming reveal of the main threat/baddie will be a let-down, and I fell pacing-wise that we should have seen who/what the threat is by the end of this issue.  THAT has me worried.


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