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It’s amazing how after 68 years, Willie and Joe still holds up today.

Oh sure there are huge differences now to wars and battles; I mean I dont believe the soliders of WWII had ICMB’s that could be fired fifty miles away from the person directing the attack. But the soldier perspective still remains the same after almost seven decades.

Bill Mauldin, a goddamn war hero, wasnt your average solider. He was a cartoonist. He had opinions about the big war he was in and he wasnt afraid to speek his mind. Hell he must’ve done something right, he scared Gen. George Patton and wanted his cartoons banned forever and even threathen to court marshal Mauldin. What these one panel cartoons do is show everyone just how tough the war was, not just in terms of the battlefield but of the morale of the troops. It’s also amazing how Mauldin could put in these random punchlines in such a depressing setting. Mauldin was in the 45th Infantry Division, and the horrors he and his teammates suffered from make these cartoons that more awe-inspiring. If you didnt know, his division fought in Anzio and the Battle of the Bulge; easily some of the worst battles the U.S. had to face in WWII.

What makes these cartoons that more incredible is the art. How on earth Mauldin got these so detailed, and got shipped out for the newspapers at the time is anyone’s guess. But everything from the soilders, to the backgrounds, to the (sometimes) heavy action of the panels is just plain gorgeous. The soilders of Willie and Joe (and others) go from clean shaven to gruffy within a couple of years. So obviously while marching or in battle, Mauldin would give in great detail to his comrades.

This is for all of the war veterans or lovers of WWII. Conor, Josh, and Ron go into greater detail for this collection in their podcast. But take this as a forth source of recommendation. For me, this is easily one of the best things I’ve ever read whether it is in comic or prose form. There is so much detail and heart into these cartoons you really start to appreciate more of the people who dedicated their lives to save this country. You’ll kick yourself for not getting this.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I got this book for Christmas, and it’s f’ing incredible.  It’s so impressive.  You are not wrong.

  2. @josh: You know what’s so great about it, is that the jokes Mauldin does still holds up. I couldnt tell you when was the last time I laughed so much while I was reading some of these cartoons. It gets more heavier or more depressing once we get into the ’43-’45 years of the war, but they still are a sight to behold.

    You guys make some great recommendations for the podcasts but I must say; this might be your best recommendation period. Everyone should be picking this up, not just for the comic book fans; but for veterans everywhere.

  3. I’m really glad you like it.

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