Review by: TheNextChampion

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Avg Rating: 3.8
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Price: 3.99

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Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Who is that Batman we see in the middle of this? It must be the armor Batman at the end of this issue but that is never really addressed.


    I think you mean Tim? He puts on the Batsuit in the middle.

  2. @sister: He does? That doesnt really show he dressed up in the batsuit…I guess that explain the narration boxes for those two pages.

  3. Check out the panel with Tim holding the Batsuit and the empty case with a note stuck to it in the background…. 

  4. it does appear to be tim in the batsuit in the middle, and it appears to be azrael in the end. and as far as  the answer to the big question, well if in fact that is tim in the batsuit in the middle, which i am pretty sure it is, then that plus the cover reveal for the new batman and robin gives the whole thing away.

  5. Well I remember the note on the empty batsuit contanier but it sure would’ve been helpful for Daniel to express that in an easier way. Cause I seriously didnt even realise Tim was in the costume.

    @Ion: I’m sure him in the suit is a swear though. There’s no way Daniel would just reveal that quickly Tim might be the next Batman.

  6. @TNC: I would hope so but that seemed to be tim and the way they dew his head is really similar if not the same to how they drew the batmans head on the new batman  and robin cover. I wasn’t so sure about tim in the bat costume at first either, i had to go back and really look at what was going on from panel to panel to get it. but i am pretty sure unless some how they explain that next issue. and that looked alot like azrael from what past encarnations of azrael have looked like.  I mean i can’t think of anyone else it would be, and jason todd is for all we know no longer on this earth, we havent seen where he ended up post cisis yet, and i would be surprised to see him using guns.

    thats just my take on the hole deal so far. 

  7. Sorry NextChampion I disagree with you…as always…. This story following what I thought was fresh and groundbreaking stuff from Morrison seems like anything but fresh. Haven’t we been down this road before? This story I hope has some nice plot twists ahead or we have noting more than an updated version of Batman in the 1990’s.   

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