Review by: TheNextChampion

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

I have becomed a believer in King Tut!

What was once a terrible 60’s villain is now an interesting one thanks to DeFilippis and Weir.

This entire storyline has been fun since issue 26 and I was really surprised on how invested I was in the storyline. Obviously a guy like King Tut can only be used on certain occassions, but the writers just do a good job making a mystery/action adventure out of this arc. This felt a lot like the Timm Animated series, just good old Batman adventures and not get it bogged down by intrigue and experimental storytelling (I’ll go for it but it’s a nice change of pace is all I’m saying). Again I would love to see these guys do a Riddler story; be it a one-shot or mini, cause after Paul Dini, this is the best depection of Negma I’ve seen in a comic.

But what makes this entire comic work is the artists involved. Penciller Jose Garcia-Lopez reminds me a lot like Brian Bolland in a lot of ways. His pencils are very well detailed, even on the smallest of panels he puts a lot of work into it. Lopez puts a lot of details in the faces, he brings a lot of emotions to the characters and it all feels so fluid. Praise should again also go to inker Kevin Nowlan and colorist David Baron. This is the most colorful comic I’ve seen in awhile, and it also is weird considering this is a Batman title (where’s the greys and browns?). But a great use of blue, purple, pink, and yellow threw out this entire arc. It really sets the tone for the whole issue.

So color me impressed but this was probably up there with one of my favorite Batman stories. There’s a lot of great use to an established TV villain and it has some of the best art around for a Bat-title. I hope we get to see this entire creative team on more books in the future. Hey you know what? Frank Quitely isnt going to do the entire run of ‘Batman and Robin’ with Morrison….Maybe Lopez/Nowlan/Baron could be the replacement DC?

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I didn’t even read my copy yet.  I’m about to hop on the couch and check it out now because you are saying it’s so great!

  2. Batman/Riddler banter was great!  The art is a little old school (Batman looks very Neal Adams), but it certainly is effective.  Liked that Batman used Riddler to solve a deathtrap puzzle.  Liked the scantily clad Ms. Carson (sue me!).  Liked that Riddler acted both nobly and crookedly.

    Nice review, NextChampion, and you’re ratings are right on the money.  With ANKH, it seems assured we’ll see Tut again.  Like you, I’m filing this story with a lot of my other fave Batman stories.  And I would love to see Riddler get his own series, maybe with Oracle or the Question.

  3. @Urthona: I hope Morrison, by some miracle, sees this story and thinks ‘Mmm I am short a story arc for Batman and Robin’

    Seriously King Tut would be a perfect villain to suit that Silver Age comic (like) he’s working on.

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