Review by: TheNextChampion

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Price: 24.99

The Legion is very confusing to me. I’ve always tried to get into them, but with such a confusing history, it’s hard to follow on who’s on what certain team in this weird futuristic superteam. Johns started to bring back the Legion to prime with the JLA/JSA crossover ‘The Lighting Saga’, although I liked that story, it seemed like too much of the recent heroes are showcased then the actual Legion.

Now Johns has given us some of the best Superman stories I have seen in….well forever really. Seeing a young Kent talking to the Legion is very emotional, and we can see why he considers them his best friends. Being sentimental and all, we get a great action story with Sups and the Legion trying to stop an evil JLA of the year 3000 from killing them all. From reading John’s GL arcs, he knows how to write great action with great humor. Even if we know how the story will end, we know that we need to be ready for any curveballs to get us to that ending.

Although it was hard to get used to, Gary Frank’s art is some of the best pencils in the biz. He makes everything so lifelike, and makes John’s promise of a ‘Superman film’ plot come to fruition. It’s scary to see Christopher Reeves as Sups in this book, but you start to ignore it and appreciate the fantastic art. Also….we get a flock of Zoidbergs in a splash page, how awesome is that?

It might seem a bit corny to give this book a perfect rating. But I dare you to tell me a better Superman story with a perfect plot and art….oh wait, I forgot about John’s ‘Brainiac’ run. 🙂

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I’m currently reading the Action Comics Braniac arc and loving it more than anything else on the shelf (and this from someone who hates DC with a psssion). I was planning on picking up Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes this week, but my LCS didn’t order it, so I’m really disappointed. Your review, however, has doubled my resolve to get ahold of this book. If it’s only half as good as the current Johns/Frank book, then I’ll be thrilled to death for such a masterpiece in hardcover. Nice review! You’ve got me excited about picking this up!

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