
Name: Brandon Perdue




To call DETECTIVE COMICS #15 a “Death of the Family” tie-in is being a bit generous, so if you’re only…

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Shaky though ACTION has been over the last year, Morrison’s long game is starting to come together. This issue starts…

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This entry into the H’EL ON EARTH crossover works pretty well on its own. Though it follows directly from the…

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dix's Recent Comments
June 20, 2012 1:47 pm Hmm. I don't feel like I'd want to see BKV on this, frankly. I've never been terribly impressed with his for-hire stuff. I think Runaways was as good as it was when he was on it because it was new and he had some creative control there.
June 20, 2012 1:46 pm I would love to see Ron Marz on that. With Voodoo canceled and what (very slim) hopes I had of that series eventually returning to something like quality Marz had going, I'd still like to see the character in a book, since I enjoy her power set and so forth. I'd even accept it being Priscilla rather than Voodoo, if the latter seems too far gone because of what the series has done with her.
June 13, 2012 10:18 pm I suspect it's just a slow burn. If DC really is moving away from writing for the trades, some stories may take a long time to pay off.
June 12, 2012 8:45 am I'm not too worried about the Resurrection Man cancellation. It'll just be back in October, but with new powers.
June 12, 2012 8:43 am I also thought Lemire did an outstanding job on JLD, and look forward to where he takes that series. Meanwhile, Teen Titans is probably such a recognizable name in the line that it isn't going to be canceled no matter what. Kinda like Green Arrow, which is so much worse.
June 11, 2012 3:41 pm 100% agree with you. I was in the same boat. RESURRECTION MAN has its moments still, but seems to lack direction. VOODOO just...holy crap Williamson (or, I suppose, whoever was really calling the shots with its plot post-Marz) just destroyed everything that was good about that book. Some days I just stare off into the distance and imagine how awesome VOODOO might've been if Marz had been allowed to write more than four issues.
June 11, 2012 3:38 pm So much yes. I kept reading Voodoo in the vain hopes it would get better (and also for Basri's art, often), but since Marz left usually each issue was followed by me crying in a corner about how bad the story was.
June 8, 2012 5:06 am I find so far that her depiction seems more tasteful (though that's relative at best) when Perez is doing the art: admittedly, in this issue, it's pretty much entirely when she's in costume. The other artists they brought on for the flashback stuff seemed far too obsessed with her physique, and I wonder if it will be a regular thing to have Perez do only half the art all the time.
June 6, 2012 7:15 pm Very good, very good. My LCS was out of Minutemen issues by the time I got there, and I was still pretty well on the fence about whether to take the dive anyway (leaning decidedly toward "not" even then). I'm not all doom-and-gloom about it existing or anything. I'm even holding out some hope that when all is said and done there might be some trades worth looking up. But I'm also immensely satisfied with WATCHMEN as it stands, on its own. I wondered if they'd try to approach BEFORE WATCHMEN in a style more like the original series, and it sounds like maybe they have, even if not as proficiently as Moore did. A miniseries, above all, needs to make good use of its pages, and it doesn't sound like Minutemen has done that. Probably taking for granted the fact that we "know" these characters already, sort of. That could be a problematic trend. If these stories can't stand on their own, well...? Anyway. Great review. But I do have to correct one factual error: in the early hours of this morning, perhaps around the time somebody somewhere was putting this book on a shelf or - gasp! - buying it, my souvenir smiley button with the blood droplet started to bleed from the eyes. It was unsettling.
June 3, 2012 4:25 am It seems to me that that's usually the nature of comics based upon TV series or movies, that usually they seem afraid of being TOO far off from the look of actors walking around a set in front of a camera. Leads to a sort of conservatism about the art. I did feel like the Cardassians Alien Spotlight from a number of years ago had a pretty solid mix of great art and story, though, but being a one shot it's probably not quite what you mean.