
Name: Tim V



Remember “it’s magic, we don’t need to explain it?” Remember how asinine and half-assed that non-explanation felt? Well, it turns…

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There’s been a lot of ballyhoo around the original Human Torch lately and, although I’m not automatically excited by the…

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This is indeed a subtle book.  So much so that, I’m ashamed to say, I didn’t see quite how layered…

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Templar's Recent Comments
January 15, 2009 4:20 am

It was in Mister Miracle #4, and, to my knowledge, that's it.

But keep in mind that doesn't hurt anything.  Morrison has already said there will be more "twists and turns" before Batman's story is done, so it doesn't really matter if a casual fan doesn't have this information for a little while.

January 15, 2009 12:56 am @NealAppeal The one with the mustache!
January 15, 2009 12:50 am The more I think about this, the heavier it gets.  His soul is trapped in an infinite loop of horrible and shattering fake lives, tailor made from his worst nightmares.  You might imagine he's seeing his friends and colleagues die over and over, his repeated failures as a hero, and his parents slain continuously in increasingly gruesome ways before his eyes.
January 14, 2009 9:27 pm You know, neverminding the details, the larger point here is that Morrison promised a fate worse than death.  And he delivered in an uncharacterisically literal manner.
January 14, 2009 9:20 pm

The difference between the experiment with Lump and the Omega Sanction is that the Lump thing was all in his head.  His soul has now been displaced, and he's living lives that span only an instant, and each gets worse.

Daksied, MM#4: "I sent him to the Ultimate Hell.  Trapped in an endless succession of synthetic lives... alone without his guiding angel [...] There can be no escape from Omega.  Omega is the life trap!  Each new existence more degraded than the last.  More hopeless.  More meaningless.  Neverending."

I guess the real question is will Batman want to escape?  I think he would eventually figure out what's going on, as Shiloh Norman did, but he'd be likely to let it go for a while as atonement, possibly.   Unless some writer screws the pooch and brings him back hastily.  Eitehr way, I'll bet we get another clue in FC #7, and I wouldn't be entirely surprised is Bats ties in to Blackest Night somehow.

January 14, 2009 8:45 pm Ok.  In Mister Miracle #4, Shiloh is able to free his mind enough to realize that Omega is a living force somehow tied to his existance since he was hit with The Omega Sanction, and therefore it suffers as he suffers.  He somehow reasons with it that if he can escape, Omega can escape as well, as Omega is controlled by Darkseid... and thus turns the Omega power against its master, and is able to escape.  I think.  This IS Morrison, afterall.
January 14, 2009 7:57 pm @Jim All I remember is that he escaped.  I'll go dig it out and find what happens, since it's very important to understanding this anyway!
January 14, 2009 7:52 pm Great review.  So much happened here that it's really hard to put to words, but you managed to cover it nicely.
January 14, 2009 7:34 pm BatGod is out there, fighting for his soul.
January 14, 2009 7:33 pm I'm also reminded of Cosmic Odyssey, which is worth a read.  Batman shoots an alien in that.  And there's Darkseid in it.  (I say that in a much more simple tone than it really happened in).