Review by: Templar

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So, Sturges is a perfectly capable writer.  Jaime, the Blue Beetle, is a perfectly charming character?  So why is it that I can’t get interested in this book any more?  It’s true the first 25 issues of this series, under the original writer, had a unquantifiable “magic” feel to it, but I think the fundamental difference between then and now is scope.  This book started out as, basically, a cosmic title.  Now the action takes place on street-level, and I just don’t care as much… especially when what’s at stake in the story is relatively unimportant.  It’s kind of how I’ve felt about Manhunter since it came back… and that just got cancelled.  If this book doesn’t want to suffer the same fate, Jaime needs to move on to bigger and better things.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. As someone who has been reading comics since the mid seventies, I have been sorely disappointed in DC’s attempt to "modernize" Firestorm, Atom and the Blue Beetle.  I had predicted from day one that these books would fail, just because there was no need to replace the main characters with new ones. Now given that, I did pick up the first few issues of all these books, they just did not do anything for me.  Granted I am strongly attached to the previous characters, but I think eventually the originals will all return…hopefully soon!!! Ted Kord’s death was done very well, so I would not be terribly upset if he stayed "dead" for a while.  So to sum it up…old characters good…new characters not so much!!!

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