Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.6%


BrikHed01/14/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. I hope Kirkman doesn’t decide to go all Joss Whedon with Invincible and Aton Eve.

  2. I don’t think I know what that means.

  3. This book gives me a warm fuzzy feeling… its on time!

  4. On time in ’09!  Yippee!

  5. @Guardedmarman: Joss Whedon was famous for breaking his character-couples up in really horrendous ways.

  6. Ah ok, gotcha.

  7. I hope Kirkman kills Oliver.

    And I hope WyA gives us more hot ass Eve pictures

  8. I liked Amber better…=(

  9. I could see Kirkman using Oliver to break up the happy couple in a very Wheldon’esque way.  They probably have 8-9 issues till then though.

  10. Oliver will probably die eventually, but only after he goes totally beyond-Omni-Man psycho and becomes a serious big bad.

    Then again that is pretty obvious so maybe Kirkman won’t do that.

  11. @drakedangerz – we are all fans of Eve since WyA gave her breast implants in the way he draws her 🙂

  12. A break up would be fine, that happens. But Whedon tends to kill a lot of characters, right when they become happy. So we probably don’t want a "Whedon" to happen.

  13. Whedon didn’t kill Kitty Pryde…

    He just banished her on a speeding bullet that she can never ever seperate herself from and can never come home.  I wonder if she will die of starvation… 

  14. my store didnt get this book today. did anyone else get it?

  15. I hope my store doesn’t have it, because I’m dropping this from my pull list.  I was already mad that I would have to buy this issue.



    Which mark grayson was your favorite? I really liked burn victim, thoughtful viltrimite,and omni-vincible. Can’t wait to read more about these other grayson’s.

  17. @NealAppeal The one with the mustache!

  18. Omni-Mark is hilarious, but nothing tops Mustache Mark!!! 

  19. @NealAppeal Mohawk-Mark, with crazy eyes, looks like he could do some serious damage.  But I’ll stick with popular opinion, Mustache Mark is my favorite too.

  20. SUCH a cute couple!!

  21. How ’bout that ad at the back about the giant Image Crossover?!

    It was so cool to see Ottley draw so many Image Characters. I loves his Ultra.

  22. Having a hard time choosing between Taxi Driver (mohawk) Mark and mean Mr. Mustache. I’m just glad that some kind of story finally seems to be going on. Pieces are moving into place for something big to happen.



  23. With all Kirkman’s talk of building up characters so he can change things later, I’d say some form of break-up is inevitable – so why not make it shocking.

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