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Name: Jose Rivera



This issue does what a good second issue of a run SHOULD do; it picks up the threads left by…

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Earth-2 continues to ramp up and introduce us to the alternate universe JSA. I’m used to Robinson juggling multiple plot…

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I don’t know what to think of The Flash these days. Sometimes the stories are good, but it feels like…

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JoseRivera83's Recent Comments
February 1, 2011 4:38 pm I went this previous year, covering events for a friend's website. Sure, I got in all 3 days with a Press badge, but ultimately you realize you really can't cover a lot in three days. You can't even attempt it. But, 4 days, doesn't sound so bad. The biggest problem I had this year was that it was my first HUGE convention and I was not used to the amount of people there. I know all about the rules of a convention but having that many people there, especially that Saturday...ouch.

On the plus side I got to meet the Ifanboy guys. Even got a picture with all three of them. I was SOOO tempted to have Conner sign my Comic Drawer Box that I got there, because I found out about the things from the video show when Conor did a segment about them.

Looks to be fun this year, and if I'm lucky I can meet Paul Montgomery this year too.
January 11, 2011 1:01 pm One thing I've learned helps and is a fun side-hobby, is having your single issues bound into trades through binderies that allow such services. I have a lot of comics. Some will never be put into trade, but take up a lot of space with the bags and the boards. Now, I can take these same single issues, of which I'm never going to sell, and I send them to a bindery. They cut them to size, sew them together and bind them into a nice custom hardcover. You often hear of waiting for the trade? With this method I make my own trades. I take the single issues which are taking space in my long boxes and make them into hardcovers that I can easily fit on my shelf.

Granted, this isn't for everyone. I can get pricey depending on what you want (Die cut logos, custom wrap around covers, etc) and most people aren't comfortable removing the pages with ads or cutting off the back covers, but there is a market for this thing and it also helps saves space. Just food for thought.
January 11, 2011 12:28 pm I'm glad you put this up, Mike. I've been having similar problems myself. Specifically with late books and books I'm not thrilled with but seem to continue buying.

I try to be fair with a lot of monthly titles. The problem is, they tend not to be fair with me or the rest of us picking them up. Look at anything done by Geoff Johns and the majority of time you'll see constant delays. Look at the First Wave line which was supposed to be great, but has taken almost a year and chance to get out 6 issues. Sometimes they tell you to bear with them with the delays. Sometimes they don't tell you at all the book is delayed. But, when it's cancelled, suddenly the blame shifts to us, the readers who didn't "pick up the book regularly" In the end, it's not worth it to constantly invest money into something when they creators can't keep a schedule themselves. I'm glad they have more than one book to do, or they've optioned their comic as a movie and want to focus it on that, or the artist is doing a side project, but in the end don't make us pay for your tardiness. There's only so many times you can try to tell an important story and expect the fans to wait three months for a conclusion.

In regards to books that you keep picking up even though they are bad, I'm having that issue with Doc Savage. I'm a big Doc Savage fan, and when DC announced they were going to do the First Wave line, I was thrilled. Sadly, Doc sucked in the First Wave issues they actually put out, so I held on to hope that his actual series would be better...man, was I wrong! I have not liked ONE issue of Doc Savage, whether it's the shotty storytelling or the ridiculously bad art, it's just not the book for me. But, for whatever reason I keep buying it, hoping it'll be better. It's not. It's terrible. I have to drop it, I know I do. Yet, there is this feeling I have as if to say "This book will not be the one to break me" Every issue, it's getting harder and harder to say that.

Fantastic, article, sir.
November 12, 2010 8:11 pm What about Gerard Christopher and John Haymes Newton from the Superboy series? Stacy Haiduk!
November 10, 2010 10:49 pm

@TheNextChampion: I think I will stick with the next creator on Superman just because I'm a fan of his work. Roberson is a good writer and maybe he can take the notes of JMS and take them to where the original creator would be happy, but so would those of us buying the title.

I gave Grounded a try, and since it hasn't really kicked off totally, let me give it a chance. Who knows, maybe I'll end up liking it. 

November 10, 2010 10:18 pm

It's strange, though. This was supposed to be a "brave new era for Superman" after the New Krypton saga, which I was one of the few who enjoyed. And three issues in, the head writer leaves, passes the notes to another writer to finish and somehow it was New Krypton that was the failure?

It's a damned shame that when they try to reinvent the regular Superman books, it's another out of continuity book that sells better and gets the most attention. 

I don't necessarily blame JMS for what could be another unreadable age of Superman. I just hope I'll be able to enjoy Superman stories whether they're in continuity or not. Either way, DC, give me a reason to keep coming back for more Superman stories. Don't Spider-Man this!

November 10, 2010 5:09 pm


Fair enough. I'm just speaking out of frustration. I tried to stick by JMS' run because I wanted to give it a try. They didn't start off strong, but hey, they could have grown into some memorable stories. Now, we'll never know. I think it's also disappointing due to all the hype we sat through about these great runs by a great creator and now he's off both books.

However, I'm really glad he's found success with the Earth One line. I have a lot of high hopes for this line, and so far the first book has gotten a lot of good press and sold well. If JMS is taking some time to focus his energies on the sequel, then more power to him! I'd rather have him working on something he's putting his heart and soul in. And, maybe it'll help get Batman: Earth One with Johns and Frank up sooner. 

This news can't be good for DC to report, seeing as how they touted JMS coming to DC and taking on their big characters, but looking at the bright side he's still working on Superman, just in a different capacity. 

November 10, 2010 4:22 pm

Hmm... so let me get this straight, I just wasted all that money on these Superman stories simply because the guy doesn't want to do it anymore? Wasn't this the BIG Superman story he always had planned? The story he always wanted to tell? And now he wants to focus his energy on the Earth One sequel.


Does anyone get the feeling this is merely due to his lackluster schedule and mostly negative reaction to his "Grounded" storyline?

I didn't want to judge the Grounded storyline until it was over. And, it wasn't totally terrible. It had some nice moments. But now I feel like I wasted money on something that won't even matter in the slightest.

While I'm glad the Earth One line is doing well, it's a shame we'll never truly see if his Superman and Wonder Woman stories would have gone the distance and given us memorable stories. 

November 2, 2010 9:10 pm


You know, it's funny. Remember how a few years ago Quesada was actively saying how he wants fans to pick a side for friendly competition? He's very much on the side of "you take one side, and that's it" and while that may have been cool when I was eleven or twelve, I like seeing what each company has to offer. If a creator I enjoy goes from one company to another, I'll see what they do at the other place. If I enjoy it, I'll stick with it. If I don't, then I'll spend my money on something else. 

This whole idea that you're strictly Marvel or DC is ridiculous at this stage in comics. Right now, they need all the money they can get. I mainly read DC, but I try a little of the Marvel Noir line, some Image Comics, a little Avatar and Dynamite here and there, with just a dash of BOOM for fun. 

Once the industry recovers, then we can afford to play these little games, but until then, he can bash DC all he wants, in the end he's the one that has to look at sales. 

October 4, 2010 3:50 pm

You know, this game has been delayed continuously. And, there's that part of me that is so frustrated considering how much they've hyped this game; constant updates, an amazing Comic Con trailer, and Jim Lee touting it as a great MMORPG. We were so close to having it in our hands.

Although, I will agree with everyone. It seems they are delaying it to work out some of the kinks. And, there will be a beta test to tide us over. 

While I'm personally not a fan of something being promised and then being delayed by DC Comics, I can understand it. Better they take their hits now and make the game right, rather than releasing something that isn't ready and be embarassed.