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Name: Jose Rivera



This issue does what a good second issue of a run SHOULD do; it picks up the threads left by…

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Earth-2 continues to ramp up and introduce us to the alternate universe JSA. I’m used to Robinson juggling multiple plot…

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I don’t know what to think of The Flash these days. Sometimes the stories are good, but it feels like…

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JoseRivera83's Recent Comments
March 15, 2011 12:23 am @Mister J. Fair enough. What I was saying is that I appreciate how we're getting some sort of explanation/response from a creator. Ask around. I HATE delayed comics with a passion. I believe it's a unacceptable business practice considering this is a serialized medium and I'm sick to death that it's been so common these days.

That being said, when someone comes and speaks on it rather than says nothing and just lets the book get delayed, that's refreshing. I don't like that I've paid for this comic twice on DCBService only to tell me it's been cancelled. I don't like that I have to wait months for this to come out. But, I do like that the Williams shares the frustration we feel. It softens the blow.
March 14, 2011 6:19 pm This, I like. Often we don't get any explanations on delays. A good deal of the time, we're just left there hanging pissed off. Williams let us know and shares our frustration, so that softens the blow.

Like the general consensus is, at least this time allows for more work to be done. If we're lucky, we might have at least 4-5 months straight of Batwoman with no delays.
March 11, 2011 2:41 am Is there even a point to me bitching about late comics?

That being said, an OGN might be really fun! It would give Williams enough time to work on it. And when he has a lot of time, he usually goes all out. So imagine what it'd be like to have a Batwoman OGN?

It is sad the book keeps getting pushed back. They keep putting it just out of reach enough so that we still want it. Eventually, we're going to be tired of this and just say whatever. But, I feel Kathy Kane is too good a character to give up on. So while I normally stand on my soap box about late/delayed comics, this is the one case where I'll hold my tongue and be patient because I REALLY enjoy what they've been doing with the character.
March 11, 2011 1:34 am That's cool, Edward. It's not for everyone. But, at least you gave it a try. So, that's something :)
March 11, 2011 1:33 am @Conor. I see your point. I've been buying all the First Wave titles since they first came out. What kills Doc Savage for me is that it's painfully boring. That and the Justice Inc back-ups tend to be more style over substance, but that style is so gray and drab. The Spirit I love because it's hardly ever dull, but I could honestly care less about the Spirit B&W back-ups. Now that they've dispensed with the back-ups, it's not too bad, but Doc Savage is still unreadable.

First Wave did get killed by lateness because with a book that started off so strong and eventually just died out, no one really cares anymore. That's supposed to be the main book but it's never on time and has more padding than a teenage girl's bra. I remember reading the preview/bible in the Doc Savage/Batman crossover thinking "Wow! Look at all they have set up. They have all these great characters!" Oh, the characters do show up, but for like a second and they don't have the impact you thought they were going to have. They're just...there.

I'm a DC guy through and through, but I can honestly say I had more fun with the Marvel Noir books than this. If only they could have done more.
March 10, 2011 6:20 pm Please do, Cedric. While it might seem everything Ron, Conor and Josh are talking about is hyperbole, it's not. The book is everything you love about storytelling. I dare you and I mean DARE you to read this and not cry when a certain grandfather see's his grandson for the first and last time.

The book is rich with characters you wish you could sit down and have a conversation with. And often, it's not easy to say that about anything.
March 10, 2011 6:17 pm You know, this better not get blamed on us, the fans. I've been seeing a trend where, when a book doesn't sell, it's often attributed to "The book just didn't sell well enough" As if to say that we didn't make an effort to go to the store and buy it.

For everyone who says "Oh, late books are a part of the business now and don't affect how well a book does." Yeah, look at First Wave.
March 9, 2011 11:39 pm I'm so glad you guys did this episode. Starman is a book near and dear to my heart.

I remember picking up the third trade from my library when I was in High School. I was debating whether or not to get into writing. And at that time, while I was reading comics, I never took notice of the writing. Starman blew me away with the Sand and Stars arc; so much so that I tracked down the other trades and got into the series. After reading that trade, I knew I wanted to get into writing. That's thanks to James Robinson.

Sure enough, once in college I persued writing heavily and often cited Starman as one of my inspirations. An AA in Writing/Literature and a BA in Creative Writing later, I got a casual gig writing for a friend's website that got me into this year's NY Comic Con where I met...James Robinson! It was the most random encounter, but it was amazing. It was a short convo but I got to shake the man's hand, take a photo with him and have been riding high on that story since October.  Funny how things come full circle, huh?

Thank you guys. This was a great surprise to have downloaded to my Itouch!
March 9, 2011 11:31 pm I loved the First Wave line. I really did. And I will be sad to see it go. But here is where I have to go on a mini rant:

What killed First Wave for me was 2 things:

1) First Wave's constant rescheduling. The thing with this book is that it's six issues. And, much like the trend of today, unfortunately books aren't always shipped on time. It was a shame because out of this entire line, First Wave was the main book. It wasn't a satellite book the other two (and that's not to put the other two down) but it's hard to maintain interest when this book is always late. And that's such a shame because I remember the buzz around the First Wave line. It was good. People were talking about it. But then it was late. And late. And late some more. Why should we care about a book when they can't put it out on time.

2) Doc Savage. This is especially hearbreaking as I'm a huge Doc Savage fan. The comic was boring. Howard Porter was not a good choice for the first arc. And as time went on the stories just became more and more dull. This current arc feels like it's been going on forever. I think when a line has a few books, it's okay to have one bad book. But when the line it three books, one is never on time, one is really good and the other is really bad, it doesn't help mantain the interest.

The Spirit has been consistently good. But First Wave as a whole was so disappointing. I was looking forward to this, but they only gave us a little at a time and most of what we got wasn't good.

I love Booster Gold. Power Girl I'm just getting into. I've been hearing such great things about T.H.U.N.D.E.R Agents but with Nick Spencer exclusive to Marvel... risky. I haven't heard much about Gotham City Sirens.

It's sad, because there was such potential.
February 2, 2011 5:02 pm I'm curious as to whether adding another day will be good or not. I mean, no matter which way you slice it, it's a good idea.

What I'm talking about it is, man the creators are gonna be just out of it by day 4. This year most of them were wiped by the third day. And you get the eventual "Left early" excuses.

The plus side to an extra day is not only the possibility it could thin out the crowds (not by much, but enough to be helpful) and make those dealers tables a little more accessible. A lot of great tables were in the middle of heavy traffic and made it harder to get something. If you're someone like me who enjoys going to the 50 cent bins, NYCC was not to the place to test your luck. Because the traffic is so heavy and I'm not used to it, it took a while to get used to.

Also, if you're lucky, on Day 4 when dealers just want to sell stuff and not lug it back...super deals!

I got 2 Comic Drawer Boxes for $20 because they didn't want to carry the demo boxes back.