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Name: Jesse Trinkle

Bio: Hi my name is Jesse Trinkle and I'm from Owenton, KY.  I'm an avid comic, manga and anime fan. If you wanna chat feel free to drop me a line. My Twitter handle is JesTr82 and you can find me at Xbox Live my name is HEX3482.



This issue was the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of comics this week. With Jordi Bernet on board with the art,…

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So here we are at the end of the Jonah Hex ongoing and what a ride it’s been. The series…

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So here we are again with the start of a brand new arc of Locke & Key. This first issue…

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JesTr's Recent Comments
September 27, 2011 11:11 am I'm intrigued by the fact that they can each be separate Firestorms or Join together as the cover suggest. I've liked Firestorm since the Superfriends back in the day and thought he was kind of like GL without the ring. I hope this turns out to be a good book. At least this book has some talent behind it.
September 27, 2011 11:06 am As a long time reader of Jonah Hex I'm sure we'll get the same great quality in All-Star Western.
September 26, 2011 8:05 pm Damn those turtles have it coming!
September 26, 2011 1:48 pm Awesome Pete!
September 20, 2011 12:17 pm Dig the cover. I hope they keep Pete as the Juggernaut for awhile.
September 20, 2011 12:15 pm I was opposed to Dick becoming Batman but I ended up loving it. I hope I enjoy his return to Nightwing as well. In the DCnU he was still Batman for a time right?
September 20, 2011 10:54 am Can't wait for this title! I loved Snyder on Tec and Spawn artist Capullo. I have a filling that this is going to be one sick, twisted Bat book. I'm only sticking with Batman and Nightwing.
September 13, 2011 1:29 pm No clue, but I assumed in Flashpoint #5 she had something to do with the speedforce.
September 13, 2011 12:07 pm This really reminds me of Harvey Birdman, especially the end.
August 24, 2011 10:45 am I'd love to have the AoA Omnibus but I have all the issues (Yes, even the 10 year anniversary mini) and the "super cool, ultra 90s" Gold foil cover TPBs. It looks like it is a safe bet the Fantastic Four will be continuing because the solicitation says #600 is "part #1"