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Name: Doug Stacy




While I understand what is happening the book, with Tom on the quest to put myth and story back in…

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Perhaps it is unfair, but the comparison is inevitable in my mind. This is scarcely a glimmer of the wonderful…

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This is likely the best issue of Aaron’s tenure on this title thus far. The story is beginning to make…

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zombox's Recent Comments
January 3, 2011 1:41 pm I don 19t know. I like the letters in Kirkman's books. The should use it as a forum to let the writers show some personality.
December 30, 2010 10:13 am No way am I drinking with Tony Stark. He would totally crush everyone's ability to make moves on any lady.
December 28, 2010 1:50 pm Anthologies aren't my thing, but DHP always had great stories from small time and indie folks who still had great aesthetic for mainstream success. Hopefully that continues.
December 25, 2010 11:45 pm I'm giving it to the Joker. He already has all the little packages and whatnot to put the gifts in.
December 23, 2010 8:57 am Another thing you only lightly touch on is the return on investment. After the initial outlay of capital for creation the of game the company will then reduce the staff or move them to new projects. They pay upkeep on the servers and a small develoment staff to create steady, but small, amounts of new content. So the longer the project runs successfully the more money it will generally make.
December 21, 2010 12:54 pm Not interested in the event. Interested in why Marvel seems to be pushing this so hard. Is the press conference a new thing for them? Is this because there are no cons to pimp this out at? Ah well. I will pass except if it flows into books I read regularly.
December 20, 2010 9:40 am God, that would be awful. The idea of Vertigo crossovers is just... awful to me. I prefer the idea that they each exist in their own independent spaces.
December 16, 2010 8:49 am I think that it is obvious to anyone with basic business training that creator owned, operated and controlled properties have a much higher potential. However, it requires a much larger commitment or time, money, promotion and effort. It is the oldest principle in business: risk and reward. Greater risk yields higher potential reward and is, obviously, risky. The safer route, if you can get there, is writing traditional books. There is a mu wider audience and market for Batman than there is for Walking Dead. However, since the writer doesn't have any actual ownership of Batman he gets a regular old paycheck. If Batman soars he doesn't reap a single additional (monetary) benefit from that particular project. If Batman sinks, he doesn't lose that paycheck he had gotten however. He risked much less than the actual owner did and shares much less. So... it is what it is. If every creator tried this the vast number of them would fail but those that succeed would reap excellent rewards.
December 14, 2010 5:08 pm The page appears to show an older Stark. My money says flash forward scene.