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Name: Doug Stacy




While I understand what is happening the book, with Tom on the quest to put myth and story back in…

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Perhaps it is unfair, but the comparison is inevitable in my mind. This is scarcely a glimmer of the wonderful…

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This is likely the best issue of Aaron’s tenure on this title thus far. The story is beginning to make…

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zombox's Recent Comments
June 1, 2012 9:47 pm I... Just don't think this is that big a deal. Gays, as characters, have been accepted in media for over a decade now. The only thing noteworthy in this event is that this is the first 'well known' character of the big two to be gay. We had the 'big deal' with Northstar in the 90s, again with Appollo and Midnighter and I think we're over this as a big deal now. Can we get back to telling me cool stories? I don't care who's naughty parts any of them are interested in.
May 1, 2012 11:00 pm That is some balling art.
March 30, 2012 10:52 am This arc was kinda terrible. Skip it. Luckily, just 3 issues.
March 29, 2012 10:02 pm Good story her. However, and it may be just me, but is anyone else tired of Adlard's art? I just don't think he tells the story nearly as well as other guys with real horror chops. For instance, a Declan Shalvey would take this book to a new level. His draftsmanship is superior and his storytelling is stronger.
March 29, 2012 9:47 pm Oh, look, an S with a shield. Vaguely modernized with edgy cuts. Crazy!
March 28, 2012 11:00 pm Judging by the mediocre 3.5 area ratings, as opposed to the once mid and high 4's, most people are liking this Captain Britain stuff as well as I am. Ie. not much. Cannot wait to move on to the next story.
March 15, 2012 11:48 am This was a good book. But, on a tangential point: comics are bringing the weird back. From Prophet to Queen Crab to Saga, things that are wildly far from our mundane reality seem to be enjoying a strong resurgence. These stories are pretty far from super hero stories and cannot be summed up in any way other than to try to explain them within their own context.
March 15, 2012 12:50 am Vaughn wrote what I think of as the best comics story ever. Y: the Last Man. All his other stories have varied between good and excellent. After reading Saga today, I'm interested. I'm not sold or amazed. It was a solid opening chapter. Good art and inventive scenery. The oddness of the book makes me wonder what the boundaries are supposed to be. In a setting where, literally, anything seems possible I am concerned that there will be a lack of focus. Concern, however, does not translate to damnation and I will keep at it until it doesn't interest me anymore. Knowing his history that will be when he decides he is no longer interested in it.
March 3, 2012 1:57 am Alternately, Wolverine and the X-Men did NOT work for me at all. I hated the silly, goofy and quirky tone of the book. I hated the art even more. I dropped it immediately after reading the first issue. The sitcom style, fast talking mash-up of spit take humor and after school special are not for me. I've never felt any special attachment for Beast or Kitty and think the 'mentor' role for Wolverine is just terrible and inconsistent with Aaron's own portrayal of him in his two years on that book. If it works for you, that's great, but its a bridge too far for my suspension of disbelief. I far prefer the more traditional, drama version that Kieron is writing in addition to having a much stronger affection for all the characters in that book; Cyclops and Emma have been, and continue to be, my favorite comic book odd couple. Though the last plot line was simply too long (then again I've been spoiled by Remender's fast-paced action-action-ACTION! style in X-Force). I suppose, given what I've seen so far, that would be my only piece of advice for Gillen is not to hang on to that gun for too long. Pull that trigger and let her rip. Write me the story I know you want to write, don't make me wait too long for the scenes I want to see because I will abandon you.
February 22, 2012 5:03 pm Blacksad... MORE! Also, Battlepug.