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Name: J J



This is one of the trippiest comics that I have read in a long time, and that’s a good thing….

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Evidently, James Robinson’s efforts on this comic did not fit into DC editorial’s grand plans for their universe, so Robinson…

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Whoa! This comic is some heavy stuff, almost too heavy! I have been reading comics for almost (yikes!) forty years,…

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Invasionforce's Recent Comments
July 21, 2013 8:32 pm The title "Age of Ultron" may simply be metaphorical, as in, humanity is in an age in which our own technology can rise up against us.
July 21, 2013 10:03 am It looks like Thanos was introduced as a link to "Guardians of the Galaxy," where he will be the villain. I hope and pray that "Avengers 2" draws little to nothing from Bendis' crappy "Age of Ultron." I don't see how it can, since Ultron's origin story will have to be told. Hank Pym has not yet been introduced in the Marvel cinematic universe, so it will be interesting to see how Whedon accounts for Ultron's existence. Introducing the Scarlet Witch and Ultron at the same time makes sense, since Wanda's probability warping powers have often been the Avengers' most effective weapon against Ultron. Over the years Ultron has become the Avengers' archenemy, possibly because writers see him as a metaphor for mankind's real and ever more realistic fear of our technology rising up against us. Ultron is the new Frankenstein. I am now even more eagerly looking forward to "Avengers 2"
July 13, 2013 9:39 am In order to make superhero movies more kid-friendly, they've toned down the violence and scary elements. We never did get to hear Venom say that he wanted to crack open Spider-Man's head and suck out his brains, for instance. I'm sure that "War Machine" was changed to "Iron Patriot" because they thought that Moms would have fewer qualms about putting an "Iron Patriot" toy in the shopping cart. "War Machine" sounds too violent. However, X-Force is all about the violence. X-Force is a team that eliminates threats to mutantkind with extreme prejudice.
July 8, 2013 4:05 pm If what you say is true, it appears that DC wanted to expand upon the work that Robinson was doing, and he didn't care for the direction that they wanted to take.
July 7, 2013 4:54 pm "Probably because of Dr. Strange’s popularity as a *major* “B” character and his media history (remember: he was in a crappy “B” movie way, way back)" Actually, Dr. Strange was in a television movie about 30-35 years ago. I was a kid at the time, but I remember thinking that Strange's movie was VASTLY superior to the Captain America and Spider-Man TV shows that were out at about the same time. If it's out on video, it might be worth watching for anyone who is interested.
June 21, 2013 9:13 am When Tony Stark was first being cast, there were rumors that Tom Cruise might play the role. I was relieved when Cruise was not cast, because it is certain he would demand a pay day that would leave less money for a spectacular film. Now, Robert Downey is in Tom Cruise's league in terms of his ability to demand a fat paycheck.
June 21, 2013 9:08 am I'd rather see Robert Downey's tens of millions of dollars in compensation spent to create a greater spectacle on the screen than go in Downey's bank account. There are lots of talented actors who could replace him, even some unknowns. Success in acting is very much a matter of luck. I am convinced that there are actors as talented as Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson pounding the pavement in NY and LA right now who will never get their big break. Furthermore, Downey has already aged out of the role. Tony Stark is forever muscular and sexy in his early to mid thirties. I'll make a bold prediction about Avengers 2 and 3 right now. Robert Downey won't take his shirt off in either one.
June 20, 2013 10:01 am Kang has been abusing the time stream almost since the beginning of the Marvel universe without breaking it.
June 19, 2013 8:42 pm This ending was certainly too pat and and anticlimactic. We never did find out why Ultron was paying villains to deliver heroes to him.
June 18, 2013 9:00 pm I admit that I am not the biggest Superman fan, but I just don't get this idea that Supes should not have killed Zod. If a police officer anywhere in this country were to see a criminal raise a gun to shoot you, that officer has the OBLIGATION to protect you by shooting the criminal first. If the criminal dies as a result, no court would blame the police officer.