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Name: Doug Stacy




While I understand what is happening the book, with Tom on the quest to put myth and story back in…

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Perhaps it is unfair, but the comparison is inevitable in my mind. This is scarcely a glimmer of the wonderful…

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This is likely the best issue of Aaron’s tenure on this title thus far. The story is beginning to make…

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zombox's Recent Comments
October 29, 2011 4:17 pm Intense. Fucking. Dislike. That is how I would describe this book. Hated the art, no surprise there. Surprisingly, found the writing to be poor as well. The goofy, predictable humor was reminiscent of a Japanese kids show. Very poor showing ans I shan't continue reading at all.
October 28, 2011 8:43 pm I calls 'em like I sees 'em. How you felt about Sentry's art... I feel about most Bachalo art. It is, to me, eye vomit. Which is to say a mishmash of randomness that only occasionally makes sense. Now, his art specifically is not the point. He ia just a recent example. Using extreme, reactionary language should not used on every book you read. Garbage, shit, eye vomit, trash should be used just as rarely as terms like awesome, exquisite, wonderful. Sadly, modern language and socialization is rarely capable of subdued or intermediate steps. We live in an XTREEEEEEM world.
October 21, 2011 4:01 pm In fairness, about the only Gabe Hardman book I wouldn't read might be My Little Ponies....
October 21, 2011 3:49 pm Good luck Tom.
October 20, 2011 11:08 pm Dear Fox and Marvel, This is a terrible idea. Thanks, Bye!
October 20, 2011 1:47 pm Interesting trailer. Hopefully it isn't a simplified, boring versionof a teen drama. The problem with all the movies referenced is what I think of as their MTV-ness. Fast edits, facile character, tired plot tropes. This is becoming steadily more true of the property based movies as well as Hollywood seems to gave 'found' its formula. We are in the 'milk cow' phase of the life cycle. Probably near the zenith soon to tip into decreasing returns. In this portion products are standardized and made more accessible to wider markets, this usually results in a great deal of simplifications and reduced barriers to involvement.
October 19, 2011 6:59 pm So tired of events. So very very tired. May not read this on general principle of hating events despite my love of Remender and Parker.
October 18, 2011 3:33 pm Short answer: No. Long answer: The whole Phoenix plot continued to shadow and harangue the X-Men for years after it should have been completed. Jean is the only significant link to that relic. If you have a Big Ass Gun (tm) in your plot and you don't use it, the audience will call bullshit on you every time. The Phoenix is, in comic book terms, pretty near the top of Big Ass Guns. Thus the X-Men basically become about the Phoenix and Jean Grey in this repetitive, uninteresting cycle. Sort of like the mid and late 90's. I am not interested in continuing the Jean Grey saga and her return would just be a prelude to another 2 or 3 years of Jean focused stories. No thank you, ma'am.
October 18, 2011 3:28 pm I find it hard to believe they thought it was a good idea to tell the entire arc in one episode, unless it was a 2 hour episode. While it certainly isn't long enough to merit an entire season, you probably need 2 episodes really get the effect. My primary concern with the book as show has always been that, when complete, there will still only be enough material for about 2 10 episode seasons. Even with creative padding there just isn't that much material from a quantity standpoint. With judicious editing you could conceivably make a damn fine 3 hour movie out of the whole thing.