
Name: Kenneth Switzer



I am sorry to see this book go. I have very much enjoyed this book, even though I am not…

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Some books pull you in by their Artwork, Some Pull you in by their storylines. This issue of Peter Panzerfaust…

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14 issues in and I am totally hooked on this book. A few years ago when I was picking up…

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Kzinti's Recent Comments
May 14, 2012 10:52 pm Ummm... I'm up to like 25 comics this week. Glad I have a decent job and most things paid for, so I can enjoy my drug of choice, comics!
May 12, 2012 9:36 am So much hate for the X-Men. Always been a huge fan of the X-Men, however I do agree there is and has been way to much glut of X books/tittles, etc.
May 10, 2012 7:18 pm This was the issue that I have been waiting for. It had the feel of those Blackest Night issues. The first few issues were okay, but felt incomplete to me. The Indigo Tribe was always a mystery, and I am glad to see it coming out in the story.
May 5, 2012 8:13 pm I do not see any issue with a four year old seeing this movie. Think there was one or two swear words, nothing sexual that is obviious, jsut a lot of fighting.
May 5, 2012 8:11 pm Just seen the movie today, all I can say is WOW! Best Super Hero Movie Ever! and I think X-Men First Class was the best one done to date until today. I laughed, I cheered, and do a few Oh Yehs! Two favorite scenes in the movie both come from the Hulk, so doing spoiler free, all I can say is "One Punch" and "Ragdoll", if you scene the movie, you most likely know what I'm talking about. Two snippette scenes, one half way through the Credits, and one at the end of the Credits.
April 25, 2012 9:15 pm I have been reading the Activity since issue 3, and picked up 1 and 2 the same day. This is an awesome comic, read my review of issue #4. I frequently recommend this book to those in the comic shops when we talk comics. Keep up the Great Work on this book!
April 15, 2012 9:27 am This was a nice simple, yet deeply emotional issue. This goes to show every comic reader that not every tale needs to be so far reaching, action packed, to make a good story. A very well done issue.
April 5, 2012 11:27 pm I would sort of disagree and agree on your points. I thought issue 11 was a very well done issue, and much like you, was let down by issue 12. Though on a whole, the whole "Fearless" mini series was hands up much better than the Fear Itself mini. One of the main questions I never got answered in this series was why the son of satan suddenly turned on the heroes. Other then him being the son of satan, duh, I was hoping for some clue on what his agenda was in turning, but it never really came out. Heck Crossbones had a better wrap up on his twist in the story, it made sense. I do agree with the fact that Marvel simply has not figured out how to do a decent mini series, hoping Xmen Vs Avengrers changes that, so far so good.
March 24, 2012 12:52 am Excellent review! I just finished reading this issue today, and was going to write a review as well, However you have taken my thoughts and put them to text already. I never read Supergirl before the relaunch much less superman. I have consistently enjoyed Supergirl each and every issue from the relaunch Is it the greatest? No, however it is a well written storyline that keeps you wanting to know more about the character. Again excellent review, I am very pleased that I decided to give this title a try at the relaunch. I have not been let down yet.
March 18, 2012 4:13 pm I just finished reading this issue a few moments ago and understand your frustration about how she is able to walk again, I think they did a very hasty overview on that in issue #1. I am enjoying Batgirl, though I am still a Steph fan. I believe we may be getting to more backstory on how she was able to walk again coming up in the next few issues, as we can see from the last page of this issue, the story coming up will be dealing with her emotions on becoming paralyzed, or at least that is what it appears to me from the last page of this issue.