
Name: Kenneth Switzer



I am sorry to see this book go. I have very much enjoyed this book, even though I am not…

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Some books pull you in by their Artwork, Some Pull you in by their storylines. This issue of Peter Panzerfaust…

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14 issues in and I am totally hooked on this book. A few years ago when I was picking up…

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Kzinti's Recent Comments
June 8, 2012 10:34 am Good review Firevine, and I could not agree with you more. Though I have yet to read issue #2 of X-O, I get alot of comics a week, I was very impressed with issue #1, that I put this on my pull list already. So much impressed that I have also picked up Harbringer #1 and will be picking up all their new releases as they come out. The mixture of a bit of history and Sci-Fi is very interesting to me. I am not familiar with the earlier versions of this book, so this is fresh for me and I'm loving it.
June 8, 2012 12:58 am Markavo, They are indeed great issues in singles. I have been reading this book from issue #1, well started with buying issue's #1 through 3 on whim, and have been hooked. Love they way that each issue is like a self contained story. I usually do not do trades, but would be interesed in seeing what is added in the trade versus the actual comics.
June 7, 2012 7:02 am Thanks for the review, I might just go out this weekend and pick up this book and give it a try. I'm a sucker for new things, and by your review it sounds interesting. Should have picked it up yesterday.
June 4, 2012 10:02 pm Well I'm still watching season 1 on DVD, I do not pay for HBO, not even for Game of Thrones. I will say that what I have seen so far, stays true to the book for the most part. Much like turning Lord of the Rings into a movie from the written word, things get lost. The books that make up the Song of Fire and Ice "Game of Thrones" is a very good read. The show may seem to go slow, as the books do jump from character to character much more then Lord of the Rings ever did. What sets Game of Thrones apart from other books, is that Games of Thrones has a more political intregue feel to it, rather then a fantasy feel for the most part.
June 2, 2012 12:27 am Alan Scott I mean, it's late here, I'm tired and can't spell, LOL
June 2, 2012 12:20 am @iroberts007, think your comments a bit unfair to us straight white males. Why would we not understand? By your statement then you would not understand what it is like being a straight white male. You do not have to be of one race or sex or lifestyle to have empathy or understanding of anothers plight. It is not as rare as you think for a straight white male to be beat up, I should know as I have been bullied all my life. Why, because I'm a geek, a nerd, different from the norm. I'm almost 50 and still have people snicker in my face, put me down almost on a daily basis. Political Correctness, just like any thing else can be taken to an extreme. I take Firevines comments to simply mean that they simply want a character thas is believeable, wether they are gay or not, rather then some forced character that is simply done to make happy with the PC world. All I am trying to say is that not all white straight males are bad people, some of us are down to earth and can be friends with anyone, can listen and understand.
June 2, 2012 12:00 am Hmmm.... I first saw this posted earlier today while at work and could not post a reply. Thoguth about this most of the day, and quiet frankly could care less if he is gay or not. Some may call me Anti-Gay, thouigh that is not the case, I simply don't agree with the lifestyle. I will never hold it against anyone that lives this lifestyle and would hope that you would not hold it against me for having a difference in opinion. The only thing that would bother me in this whole issue, is if becomes more of In Your Face statement, rather then a Super Hero that happens to be gay. I have no issue with any type of hero, sex, color, race, age, etc, all I want is to be entertained. We live in a world that has a variety of life and thoughts and ideas, some we agree with and some we do not, however we all need to learn how to get along with the diveresty that surrounds us. I will buy Earth 2,as I believe the story line is interesting, this new about Allen Scott being gay or not being gay, will not effect my descision to buy it or not.
May 29, 2012 10:51 pm I have saved this picture to my work PC background. Would love to have a copy of it to hang up in my office. Thanks "Activity" folks for your efforts to support our troops.
May 16, 2012 10:54 pm Let me just state for the record, that I feel that all our brave men and women who put their life on the line are the real Super Heros!
May 14, 2012 10:55 pm This book is one of my first read books when I get it. Wish this book was getting a bit more push from the readers. Image has been hitting on some good books here recently.