
Name: Kenneth Switzer



I am sorry to see this book go. I have very much enjoyed this book, even though I am not…

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Some books pull you in by their Artwork, Some Pull you in by their storylines. This issue of Peter Panzerfaust…

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14 issues in and I am totally hooked on this book. A few years ago when I was picking up…

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Kzinti's Recent Comments
March 13, 2012 11:01 pm Interesting question and I have many years to reflect on. 1. I will remember when I was very young and was sick, my Mom would bring home some comics for me, Ghost Sories, Witching Hour, etc. I was into the horror stuff as a young kid, me and my Dad would watch the "B" horror flicks that they ran on late Friday nights. 2. I will remember also as a young kid, devouring "G.I. Combat" staring the Haunted Tank, loved the details of the tank drawings in the books, also loved to buld tank models as well. 3. I will remember when I still was a Geek/Outcast/Whatever in High School (Not that this has changed), being ashamed of liking comics, but when I saw the very first Limited Series of "Wolverine", telling myself that I no longered cared what anyone thought of me anymore, and how my life has changed ever since. Wolverine was my favorite and that limited series was a master piece of work, just wish I still had them now. 4. I will remember always opening up a new book for the first time read and enjoying not only the smell of a new comic, but the joy of the story and artwork being presented to me. Nothing like having a little escape from this serious world.
March 10, 2012 11:09 pm Just got back from seeing this movie tonight, was very pleasantly suprised. Always been a John Carter fan. I could say alot about different things to like about this movie, however the martain dog (Woola) was by far the movie maker to me. Every time you would be dazzled by the scenery effects, you would see this line of dust were the dog has run by, cracked up every time. Also loved when the Tharks thought John Carters name was Virginia, living in Virginia it was cool to see them all chant "Virginia, Virginia!" Great Movie worth the money to go see.
March 8, 2012 10:27 pm The Fariest was a stunning piece of artwork all around, however the storyline was something else all together.
February 27, 2012 10:38 pm This almost sounds like old collector versus new collector. Yes I am one of those who will review a comic, give it bad scores and still puts it into a bag and board, and store it away. However I like having those issues kept in a manner I feel is keeping them safe. Howver unlike some 10 to 20 years ago, when I collected for value, I no longer care about a resale value of the comics I purchase. That is not why I collect anymore. I collect because I enjoy the character, team, storyline of the titles I buy. I do like a prestine copy of what I am buying, I'm paying for something, why not try and get the best you can get for your money? Though I will buy a bent, ripped copy if that is what is available, hopefully I will get a discount. I enjoy the stories, simply put. I am a collector, I like to have the hands on copy of something. To each collector his own, I don't find fault in any who collect the way they wish.
February 18, 2012 10:34 pm This was the second book I picked up this week that I do not read. I am totally new to Glory, never read any of the old stories, so with your review I gave this book a shot. Can't wait to read it. Just got done reading Peter Panzerfaust and wrote a small review of that so now I'm going off to read Glory. Aren't Comics Great!?
February 18, 2012 10:29 pm Great Review! I just read this issue today along with the Avengers title, and I must say that this was a very good issue. The chess match between the Avengers and Norman Osborn is very interesting, and can't wait to see how it plays out.
February 9, 2012 8:31 pm I think you have convinced me to try this one out. Love Conan but sometimes the comics done leave him lacking.
January 17, 2012 1:35 am If what I have been reading in the comics and the adverts for this event, then this will have something to do with the Scarlet Witch and Hope. Wolive has already stated that he does not trust hope and does not like scarlet witch. Somehow this ties in with "The Childrens Crusade" and the Pheonix force returning, guessing at the pheonix force, but this is an upcoming event as well, and it has been hinted that Hope has ties with it.
January 17, 2012 1:24 am My weekly book pull can range from $30 to $80, depends on how many titles come out that week. I found that what used to drive up my weekly cost, was the "Limited Series". I have pretty much dropped getting most of the limited series comics, and noticed a $10 to $20 dollar drop, which has led to me trying out new books and titles. Got a decent job that pays okay, wife gets paid okay as well, life has settled down for me and I don't do as much as I used to do, that comics are one of my few indulgencies I have. It's funny and sad that 20 years ago when I first got married, I had to give up comics as we barely had enough money to put food on the table and pay the bills, now that we have gotten things taken care of and no longer in that what is coming next state of mind, we have a bit more expendable funds to use. I guess I could use the money for other things, but at my stage in life I am content with what I have, and enjoy reading the comics. Don't get me wrong, if the book is starting to nose dive, I will no longer stick it out for years and years, it will quickly get put into my discontinue list after a few issue's of garbage. Books to check out, Journey Into Mystery, Wolverine and the X-Men and Batwoman. I find these titles to be the best bang for my buck currently. Also Rachael Rising is an interesting read.
December 15, 2011 6:34 pm Goes and puts his "Duh" hat on. Okay I feel silly now, was just so into the story did not realize they did not have the adds in the normal places.