
Name: Kenneth Switzer



I am sorry to see this book go. I have very much enjoyed this book, even though I am not…

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Some books pull you in by their Artwork, Some Pull you in by their storylines. This issue of Peter Panzerfaust…

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14 issues in and I am totally hooked on this book. A few years ago when I was picking up…

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Kzinti's Recent Comments
December 15, 2011 6:11 pm NIce book, art and slory. The only complaint is why do I have 9 pages of adds at the end, not to include the two page promo of two new 52 books and one page of DC news? Just gives me the feeling of being ripped off.
December 14, 2011 6:22 pm I would not be suprised if a few panels in this book doesn't show up in the pannel fo the week segment.
December 14, 2011 6:05 pm I thought it gave the impresson that someone died, and in a sense someone did. Though I am a Wolive fan, it was nice to see the story not fully focused around what he was doing in this issue.
November 30, 2011 6:37 pm Wow, what a review and history lesson. Hats off to you Ghost! I am throughly impressed with your time machine trip. Great Reviews!
November 27, 2011 12:37 pm Wow, I don't know what to say on this. I went and re-read TT #3, and I guess since I am not familar with Bunker in the past, I did not even guess that he was supposed to be a gay character. What I got out of the comic, that he was a bit immature and young, much like I would imagine a young super hero would act or would be. I could care less if he was gay or not, though I don't agree with the lifesytle, I have nothing against anyone who is. That aside, I really did enjoy this issue. I am not trying to compare this new version of the TT's from what I was used to in the past.
November 19, 2011 11:55 pm I have been reading this book since it changed back from Thor to J-Myst (not shouting at Jim). The storyline here has been incredible and fresh. This was probably the best Fear It Self book that was put out, even though it was simply a tie in book. To me when I read each issue, I feel like I am learning some new mythos of Asgard, almost like a back story from Middle Earth. You already know the main story, but the stories behind the story are very fascinating. Probably one of more positive books Marvel is putting out lately.
November 19, 2011 9:34 pm Actually glad to see Daken and Iron Man 2.0 bite the dust. Though they started out as decent books, they soon started to be pretty boring and dull to read. I had already dropped them from my pull list a few issue's ago. I liked X-23, it had promise. Generation Hope again another one that started good, but quickly became bleh, another dropped tittle of mine. X-Factor lost me more than a year ago, so I will not be suprised if this one cancels out as well. Hope that A.A. stays, as I think this is a unique way to introduce and build up new hero's. Not read Thunderbolts, and don't really care for Deadpool. Just to many tittles being published, for any comic reader to buy and collect. The cost of each issue is keeping many from picking up or trying new tittles. Buying and reading comics is my only vice these days and I'm still on a limited budget on what I spend on my vice, gotta pay the bills and put food on the table first.
October 11, 2011 10:22 am I too was recommended this book by my LCS and having a bit of extra change gave this tittle a shot. I agree with this review along with the ratings. I'm intregued and will be picking up #2.
October 10, 2011 10:30 am Thanks all for the replies, they all help me understand the timeline here for the books.
September 3, 2011 11:24 am New to posting to ifanboy, so exuse my noobness. For the new Justice League, was reading on the DC website that they are already doing a third print run, how can you tell what print run you may have purchased? I know with some marvel tittles that cover was different and would state second printing on outside cover. Just trying to find out if I have a first printing or not. By the way loved this issue, makes me want to read some of the other new tittles that I am on the fence with currently.