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Name: Josh

Bio: I go by IthoSapien, or Itho for short. I've been collecting comics since I was 13 and I've been at it ever since with a few brief periods of stopping. Recently, I've committed myself to buying mostly DC with some IDW, Dark Horse, and Image thrown in for variety. I'm a big Sci-Fi guy, but I love comedy and adventure stuff too. I like to mix things up every now and then. My all-time favorite series is Hellboy. My favorite character right now is the Flash. That stuff may change in a few years. In short: I love comics, and I like to have fun. I'm also an aspiring comics writer/artist. Hopefully soon I'll have some stuff to show if anyone's interested.


Enjoyable issue as always. If you’ve stuck withthe the series this long, you shouldn’t be disappointed. Although to get the…

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Well, the moment we’ve all been waiting for is here; Flash vs Reverse-Flash! Though I like the new look, I…

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Man, this team just keeps rocking Larfleeze. However long this series lasts, I am in. The story: Poor Stargrave; it’s…

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IthoSapien's Recent Comments
August 29, 2013 12:41 pm Great review, I'm anxious to read this issue to get the aforementioned payoff and finally learn who Reverse-Flash is. It's been a pretty great ride for most of it though.
August 28, 2013 11:41 pm Shoot, I don't know if Black Thunder exists in the New 52. I'd replace her with Jade but then I remembered "Earth 2".
August 28, 2013 11:38 pm My first year of college. I met my 5 roommates, all of whom had some experiance with comics. One of em loved Batman and Spider-Man (Batman b/c he was dark and broody, Spider b/c he had all the cool villains. I didn't get it either). So I told him I like GL, to which he said was stupid. A few weeks pass, and I wake up and find this image all over my dorm: http://green-lantern-butts-forever.blogspot.com/2011/01/lanterns-vs-bats.html I got really pissed about the one over my bed on the ceiling and in my bathroom cabinet. I kept tearing them down and he kept putting them up. This lasted 2-3 days. Eventually I just left them up and he got bored with it. So whenever I see GL and Batman hit each other I always think of those days at my dorm.
August 28, 2013 5:52 pm An idea occured to me not long ago; an all-female JL like Marvels X-Men (which now strikes me as ironic). Anybody have ideas for the roster? I'll start: Batwoman WW Mera Supergirl Vixen Black Thunder Stargirl.
August 28, 2013 5:48 pm Yeah, the article kinda gives the impression "Every JL book ends. Suddenly". That might be my own sugar addled, lack of attention span brain... I'm gonna ask my LCS clerk if he has any of TPBs or something like that. It's been awhile since I had something to hunt for in the back issue bins.
August 28, 2013 5:45 pm @Nightwing97, I've got a funny story to tell you relating to that link if you're interested...
August 28, 2013 5:44 pm Damn, that was impressive! Much obliged @Josh Christie.
August 28, 2013 5:41 pm @Sitara119, if it makes you feel any better, I've been called both ;) . I really liked the first issue, so if parts 4,5,and 6 match that I'll buy them. But I really hope I'm not just sitting on 3 random issues of JL,JLA,JLD...
August 28, 2013 5:39 pm @phess1, well; I have a small amount of egg on my face. I wasn't around for "Faces of Evil' but I do remember Joker's Asylum. I bought the Riddler issue, and actually really enjoyed it. I didn't buy the others because I had no prior knowledge of it, and Riddler is just my favorite. Mr.Freeze? Clock King (Im a huge TAS fan.)? Those I would've bought but I don't think they made those. I did read the TPBs for both volumes and found it mixed, with a fair few gems in each. My LCS gets shorted on orders all the time. Seriously, all the time from every body. So, I'm gonna keep with my plan; I'm for sure gonna grab a few just on the creators or teams, and the rest is a possiblity based on individual quality. All I can say for sure is that my LCS will either get a boon or will have 5 or 6 copies of each book. I may call ahead and tell them what books I for sure want (Flash and Dial H). I sincerely hope, @phess1, that when Marvel pulls a stunt like this next year you're not gonna fall for that. Even though I'm predicting it will make more money and be more well received.
August 28, 2013 1:39 pm Jeez, how much Sex do you need ;) ? Sorry, couldn't resist. It just astounds me this book is still going on.