Review by: ToddFrazier

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Story by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Art by Francis Manapul
Cover by Francis Manapul

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

Serial Storytelling at Break Neck Speeds.

In Reverse is visually stunning, the panel breaks, the use of color to heighten and tone emotion and action is superb. Buccellato and Manapul are one of many shining gems of a creative team to come out emerge from the New 52, two years and still running strong.

The art is just the start, the storyline which started out as a jog, reaches to a full on run of discoveries, twists and a cliff hanger. Readers who have been riding the In Reverse storyline are compensated with an excellent pay off and given something to think about over the 60 day wait for the next part of the story.

The only complaint is that after gaining so much speed in this story line, we, the readers, are forced to a stop for villains month. Hopefully the Reverse Flash issue can keep the momentum going until the next regular issue of The Flash.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. The artwork is stunning. I had a hard time reading the book because I kept going back and looking and the pictures.

  2. Great review, I’m anxious to read this issue to get the aforementioned payoff and finally learn who Reverse-Flash is. It’s been a pretty great ride for most of it though.

  3. I think it was a clever move by Manapul to put Reverse Flash’s origin in the villains month issue and reveal his identity shortly before. I thin (or hope) that it is the perfect moment in the story to reveal his origin anyway and we won’t even realize that the story was “interrupted”. (not sure how I feel about the Grodd tie-in though 😉 )

    And great review!

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