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Name: Martha E



One of my favorite things that team books can do is to pair the main characters off (in a nonromantic…

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Giving Blue Beetle a hard reboot makes sense. He’s only been active for a few years anyhow, and he’s not…

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Should I feel better about the worst issues of this series now, knowing that they were all part of the…

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sakuuya's Recent Comments
March 9, 2011 7:25 pm "I'm not going to spoil anything, but..." and then you go on for a paragraph of spoilers. Rock on.
March 9, 2011 11:18 am @CaseyJustice  Don't forget, Jaime's also a former Teen Titan. I'm frankly surprised he survived this long. The only way he could make himself more likely to die is if he became Kyle Rayner's girlfriend.
March 8, 2011 10:50 am I think one reason old western comics tend to seem more modern than old superhero comics is, as wallythegreenmonster said, that things appear most dated when they try too hard to be hip/modern. Westerns (at least, westerns set in the 19th century) don't have that problem.

The other reason is that superhero comics have changed immensely in the last few decades, while westerns, as a genre, have been fairly static.
March 7, 2011 6:23 pm Is that supposed to be Dani with the bow? Sheesh, colorist!
March 2, 2011 6:41 pm @ActualButt: Oh, come on. The X-history is pretty darn convoluted. The X-books have an enormous cast of characters, and a lot of those characters have complicated personal histories, which add up to a complicated overall history.

Unrelatedly: I didn't realize how much I missed Magneto's hilarious AoA hair until I saw that X-Force cover.
February 24, 2011 3:13 pm Did I miss Magneto becoming a champion pro wrestler? Yeesh, that belt!
February 10, 2011 11:34 am @Heroville  Maybe it's full of spiders? Not like drawings of spiders. Spiders.
February 9, 2011 6:01 pm It's gonna have to be at least a couple issues, because #21 is apparently about Booster being sad about losing another Beetle, but yeah, I'm still hoping this isn't permanent, which is why the phrase "Fuck you for killing Jaime" does not appear anywhere in my review. :)

And yeah, Winnick isn't nearly as good with Jaime as the various writers on his solo book were, but then again, he's not as bad as, say, Berganza, who wrote Jaime in Wednesday Comics. Plus, I think that Winnick would be able to give Jaime (and everybody--except Ice, obviously) better character moments if this book allowed for more time for the characters to just bounce off each other without anything life-threatening happening.
February 8, 2011 12:32 pm @Rustyautoparts  I'm not a hardcore Ted fan, but to me, killing Jaime and then replacing him with Ted would be worse than just killing him. This isn't a Ryan Choi situation (where a new character is killed specifically to make way for his predecessor), but if Ted comes back in the next year or so, I'll still feel like Jaime's death wasn't motivated by dramatic necessity so much as a desire to go back to the silver/bronze age status quo. Assuming he actually dies, of course.

Optimally, Jaime would live and Ted would come back. That would be tricky, name-wise, but Ted and Jaime are different enough that the DCU could easily contain both of them without them stepping on each other's toes.
February 7, 2011 10:27 pm I have conflicting feelings about this book as a whole, but holy crap, the covers have been consistently amazing.

Also, Jaime is (a) a legacy character, and (b) a former Teen Titan. Thus, I am going into this issue convinved that he's gonna die.