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Name: Amir Cat




Most fun book at DC Comics, bar none! It doesn’t hurt that Azzarello is doing his best work and Cliff…

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This book is worth every penny. Great art, colors, and really intriguing story. Even the lettering kicks ass! I’m not…

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I always pick up Joe Casey comics. He is different. Some of my favorite Casey comics are Butcher Baker, Godland,…

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amircat's Recent Comments
January 14, 2013 5:55 pm I tried holding out for trade and couldn't do it. I love BKV so I don't mind. But trade is lots cheaper ...
January 14, 2013 5:54 pm I know me too. ;'(
January 14, 2013 4:14 pm That said, I saw it and am still excited about this issue.
January 14, 2013 4:13 pm Warning: Don't look at previews ...
January 14, 2013 4:12 pm Comeback #3 Conan #12 Saga #9 Black Beetle #1 Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #1
January 10, 2013 12:31 pm I mean George Reeves
January 10, 2013 12:30 pm That's why George Reed got fat
January 10, 2013 12:29 pm Neil Adams He along with Oneil made Batman the crime fighting world traveler with a dark side.
January 2, 2013 5:31 pm I like the handle
December 24, 2012 4:48 pm Marvel Now Ron will be drawn by Greg Land, it's based on a porn star.