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Name: Amir Cat




Most fun book at DC Comics, bar none! It doesn’t hurt that Azzarello is doing his best work and Cliff…

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This book is worth every penny. Great art, colors, and really intriguing story. Even the lettering kicks ass! I’m not…

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I always pick up Joe Casey comics. He is different. Some of my favorite Casey comics are Butcher Baker, Godland,…

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amircat's Recent Comments
February 7, 2013 11:47 am You can get the golden age sized bag/board ..
February 5, 2013 6:18 pm @lobsterjohnny - he is also doing "Jupiter's children" with Mark Millar, due out in March I believe.
February 5, 2013 6:14 pm @Paul that I'll never see my mom again and grow up to be the most fear Sith Lord in the galaxy.
January 31, 2013 7:06 pm @rwpos - Thanks for making those points, you're absolutely right about the points I was trying to make. It's nice constructive people like you and ifanboy's promotion of friendly discussion that got me to read comics again.
January 31, 2013 7:02 pm @rwpos - thanks man, You're absolutely right.
January 31, 2013 5:07 pm What about making it less about "Monthly" and just put out great graphic novels like in Europe? Also get rid of this "fanboy", "geek","nerd" stigma and make it a viable art-form/literature that adults can read. I feel that Image is doing the best at this because they have a varied amount of comics and some are becoming hits. The less the general public thinks comics are a niche market, the more they'll be open to it. The main reasons I didn't read comics was because were the following: 1) comics are for kids 2) I like the cover art, but why does it not match the interior 3) there is so much I don't know about the past and it would be hard to come in the middle When I was a kid, I grew up reading "Tin Tin" and some "Batman", but not in comics form (albeit different country). But I would say that comics are more popular in Europe and Japan because the stories have a beginning and an end, and they're not marketed for "just nerds".
January 28, 2013 2:57 pm The previews look a lot better than the last issue. I'm definitely picking this up just on the name of the creators, Wood, Doyle, and Bellaire.
January 24, 2013 6:46 pm I think it is gory, but I like the Rossmo too much to drop it.
January 24, 2013 6:45 pm the langdon foss backup was a fresh surprise. Loved it.
January 24, 2013 6:44 pm @misterkent - do you mean teh original series? The art is pretty amazing. I got confused about the story flow from time to time, but still enjoyed the issue. Enough to stick with the series.