• Mystique targets our young time-travelers, starting with Cyclops.

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by David Marquez
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, Marte Gracia, Nick Bradshaw, & Jason Keith

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 11.2%


thumper55502/07/13NoRead Review
jschweigert02/06/13YesRead Review
Sman29002/06/13YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  2. Anyone else think that looks like a Frank Quitely cover??

  3. Man I know some people hated the double shipping…but I’ve been waiting for this to come out for what feels like a LONG time!

  4. Most of the older X-Men know her game. Poor, young Scott.

  5. I can’t wait for this book. One of my favourites in marvel now!,

  6. My current favorite Marvel title! I am loving the rapid shipping schedule, wish this was weekly!

  7. Between the prelude scene last issue and this cover, I cannot wait to read this issue. So many intriguing possibilities for what happens next in this series.

  8. Glad this slowed down a bit.

  9. This is the first x-men book I’ve added to my pull list. Does anyone know if the new Uncanny x-men book is mandatory reading?

  10. I think this series has shown (me at least) that Bendis needed off Avengers. This feels fresh and inspired, where his Avengers work was pretty stale towards the end.

  11. cannot get enough of this book. Easily one of the best books marvel has out right now

  12. that explains alot.Bendis is writing this.Best X-Men comic out right now.Can’t wait to see what happens next.Hope art is like the cover to BTW

  13. This is my favorite marvel now title. To me, this is the best that the X-Men has been in a while. Great stuff.

  14. Jumped on this a little late, and I’ve loved it. This book has destroyed my previous views on double shipping and crossovers: I was bummed 2 weeks ago when I reserved a copy at my LCS that it wasn’t coming out sooner, and it got me excited enough to preorder Uncanny, just because I hope it will make this book that much better. I would dig a 3 way X title crossover. REALLY hope it keeps it up, because I’m excited about mutants again, and it feels good.

  15. I keep hearing phenomenal things about this series but I will wait until April when the UK release of the trade will be out & I’ll see what all the fuss is about!

  16. Good stuff. Marquez is welcome on any comic I read, as far as I’m concerned.

    Bendis does a really nice job of having Mystique being manipulative without twirling her figurative mustache. In other words, we wouldn’t know she was manipulating Scott if we didn’t know who she was, and I liked that. I also enjoyed how the real Logan more or less said the same things Mystique-as-Logan said to Scott in the bank when he finally caught up to him. It shows how well Mystique knows Logan. Nice touch.

    The Young Bobby/Kitty scene was good, too. And how bout that ending? Heavy.

    A 5/5 for sure.

    • I am thoroughly impressed with the handling of the entire (comic) bank scene . You could see how thought-provoking Scott’s convo with that mutant-loving employee was, and then the invitation…But Mystique as Logan, it was spot-on, with just enough of a difference to where I thought something might be up. Kinda like Bendis became a bad (albeit very entertaining and funny) Wolverine writer for a few panels, and the voila its actually Mystique! Brilliant. Everything about this book is just great, and it seems to be going places I never imagined. The character interactions are magical. It’s a 5/5 for me too. Marquez has been awesome.

  17. I swear I didn’t think I would be this far into this title. Knocked me on my ass, this book is fantastic! Art is amazing, writing is as well. Really don’t mind the bi weekly schedule at all. at the pace this is going it really helps

  18. Danm… Book got me again. POTW!

  19. Honestly I didn’t have much faith in this title to begin with… but I love the struggle of Scott Summers and Jean Grey… its really pushed Cyclop into a deeper character that I didn’t think he was capable of every issue let’s us deeper into an innoccent man’s guilt of things to come… bloody fucking BRILLIANT!!!

  20. this continues to be a great book. Loved the glasses.

  21. This feels like early Stan Lee x-men with a modern twist. The one thing I wonder about though is how wolverine said if he kills young scott the older scott dies-(kind of like Looper if anyone has seen it) but I wonder has this actually happened before in the marvel universe?

    • yeah I didn’t understand that either. Problem with time travel stories is that it can get tangled up and messy. Bendis has to be careful with this. from what i know i dont think this has happened before. but theres so much continuity to go through its hard to tell.

    • This is true, but I have faith in Bendis, he seems to have a good voice for the x-men.

    • While it does seem logical that killing young Scott now would annihilate any later Scott from existence, I think this deviates from how Marvel usually has defined how time works in its universe; and I’ve been scratching my head a little bit over these beats. I happened to be listening to another podcast – Comic Geek Speak – and Adam Murdough over there seemed to have a keen grasp on the subject of Marvel time paradoxes, and he vaguely explained (I believe) why killing young Scott to prevent older Scott wouldn’t work in the Marvel Universe.

  22. My favourite comic right now and i would argue the best one being produced. Bendis is on FIRE!

  23. Loved this shit.

    Don’t know who I prefer more, Marquez or Immonen. Both are great tag team partners. And I think Gracia is killing it on the colours.

    • I left the issue feeling the same way. I actually think I like Marquez better. This is my first exposure to him and I think he does great comics.

  24. oh my goodness this is one good looking book, Gracia is fantastic.

  25. The emotion of issue #7 really resonated with me. I’ve been liking this title from the get-go, but this latest issue was just extra wonderful.

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