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Name: Christopher K

Bio: Art Director, Husband, Dad, pop culture connoisseur.


Awesome. This book reminded me a lot of the epic Sci-Fi fantasy worlds you’d expect from a Moebius book while…

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This was a another solid installment of this fun series. The strange world is starting to reveal itself and its…

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I was already following this series, so i decided to keep on with the tie ins. This issue was a…

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wallythegreenmonster's Recent Comments
July 1, 2013 12:43 pm I've always wanted to go to Comicon but have never been able to get the logistics to work. The amount of lead time you need to get a hotel and make plans is very difficult to plan with my work responsibilities. I've even had to pass up guest passes a few times, because, even though they were offered months in advance, i missed that 5 minute window where everyone fights over the hotels. The prices of rooms and all that are just another thing that seems really disheartening. Very difficult for me to justify that trip in a family budget. It would be great if you could just go down and buy a ticket at the door but that seems to big for that to be possible. Things might have changed, but i've just resolved to the idea that its too expensive and too difficult to even try to go. However, the Trickster side event seems like it could be fun. I might try to visit SoCal friends to go at some point. For me, all that planning zaps the fun out of it. I planned my wedding and honeymoon in less time and effort than it takes to try and get a ticket and room at comicon haha .
June 25, 2013 1:25 pm well, we've never been seen in the same place together sooo...haha nice to know i'm not the only one who feels that way. Its kinda crazy honestly
June 25, 2013 12:24 pm edit: " but *somehow* I can carve out..."
June 25, 2013 12:22 pm I am simultaneously terrified and excited for my future. Trying to learn how to be a dad and better husband while putting everything I can into my career. The balance that seems impossible is sort of working out and i'm not sure how its possible. A strange, nervous jitter in my stomach, and a passive anxiety when I go to bed, at times it feels like some sort of strange magic, where if I stop worrying, and learn to love the slog, stuff just falls into place. Hanging on day to day by a thread, worrying about my student loans, the house my wife wants to buy, and the worry about everything in this world that can possibly hurt my baby boy. As dark as the future seems, I also feel a sense of irrational optimism. I know that I don’t have the time to follow dreams anymore, but someone I can carve out productive minutes everyday to draw and write, to find time and money for hobbies and have still have fun. Anything seems possible despite the fact that I have more anxiety and worry than anytime before in my life. It’s the strangest sense of balance I’ve ever felt. Maybe I finally figured out how to be an adult?
June 21, 2013 1:43 pm I've got a similar "problem" with similar reasons. Life, family, kids...it takes up time and that's a good thing. I've kinda come to peace with the fact that despite the ease of getting weekly comics digitally, i still don't have much time to read them. I might not be a single issue reader anymore. I do miss being all in, but at some point its priorities. I do most of my reading now in odd places, Lunchbreaks, bathroom (don't laugh!) or really late at night in bed. To further add to the problem, i'm spending a lot more of my rare free time making comics..drawing, writing etc. so its a tough place to be. There are trades, and runs i really want to read and I think i'm going to focus on that more going forward, than trying to keep up with the weekly stuff. Its just too much at times.
June 17, 2013 1:07 pm The biggest thing about digital comics that i've noticed so far is they they are ignoring the lesson you learn on the first day of design school; Design to your format. Trying to take a print comic page and squeeze it into different orientation and media format is on its best day, just a ho hum solution. Trying to serve multiple masters doesn't work so well. I think they're starting to do it better with the digital exclusive books in landscape format, but its still a print page chopped in half. I would like to see digital comics be so different from print than its almost a different universe. Create different user experiences and even stories for different formats. Use the technology and strengths that the media format brings to the table. Really this comes down to design, thinking and strategy.
June 11, 2013 1:27 pm The cartoon's were so successful. An entire generation of fans identifies John Stewart as Green Lantern...and these people don't all necessarily read the comics. Plus he's a cool character and would create so much positive buzz and publicity. Its a win/win...PLUS it would make it sooo easy to justify the "reboot" ---another lantern is needed kinda deal.
June 11, 2013 11:42 am Blackest Night as a movie would be great. Zombie Superheroes in a summer blockbuster...that would just print money.
June 11, 2013 11:41 am Totally agree about Wonder Woman as DC's "Thor" ...all that greek-esque mythology could be amazing on screen. Just the merchandising alone could make the movie worth it. Also Teen Titans could be an amazing chance to get younger heroes and fanbases. I mean they'd probably cast some sort of teen Hearthrobs in the rolls....(Can we hope they don't cast the entire boy band; One Direction as all the male Titans?) but it might be a fun movie anyhow.
June 7, 2013 12:47 pm They turned sweet Krypto, the all-American Super doggie into a rabid Hellhound? Fanboy hulk-out rage!!! RAGE!!! and then sadness. =(