JdRavnos's Recent Comments
January 20, 2012 4:31 pm While I too didn't care for the art, at risk of being burned at the stake, this issue's story didn't quite do it for me. While I like the idea of putting Fantomex on trial for his actions in the series, the Captain Britain Corps seems a really random thing to pull out to do it, especially when there's some sort of war going on in the Otherworld, I would think his trial would be a lower priority. Also I didn't especially care for Remender's portrayal of Brian. He's always been a bit hard around the edges at times, but the Cornell written version of him in CB & MI13 was stoic and noble, while his intentions here were fairly good, but he seemed to look down at everyone being far more concerned with the fate of the Otherworld then Earth, which really doesn't mesh with Brian Braddock we last saw in Captain Britain & MI13 to me (also no Meggan, I can understand leaving the rest of the team on Earth, but Meggan should be by his side). Still not awful, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the story, but it does leave me a bit weary of Remender's Secret Avengers.
December 13, 2011 12:02 pm It's a shame there is no special features, with Joe Johnston having a bonafide hit with Captain America, you think you'd stick in an interview or commentary track just possibly get the attention of those fans of Cap to maybe entice them to check out his first WWII superhero film. And I doubt Billy Campbell would be very costly to get in front of a camera and/or mic ("We'll pay you in sandwiches"). Oh well, I'll still probably pick this up. Happy to see it get proper restoration treatment, despite that sort of thing is something I barely notice, but even I picked up on that the DVD transfer was kind of crap.
November 23, 2011 1:27 pm I love that Psylocke is just staring at Revanche coldly while everyone else is in good spirits.
November 10, 2011 1:45 pm Brian's back into his old costume (which I admit is a classic) but man I love the MI13 version that Leonard Kirk did. It's a great lineup both creatively and character wise, but I'd totally bribe the creative team with all the Hostess Fruit Pies they can carry if would show more acknowledgement of Captain Britain & MI13.
May 16, 2011 1:48 pm

The issue jump in Chew reminds me of something similar done in Christopher Priest's "Quantum & Woody" when Acclaim Comics stopped publishing the first time, after they came back they skipped over issue #19, which would have been the next issue, and instead jumped to #32 which would have been the issue that would have come out that month if Acclaim hadn't ceased publishing. After that they released issue #19, #20, and #21, hoping to fill in that gap. Sadly #21 was the last one released before Acclaim Comics folded permanently, but I thought it was a really cool gimmick.

Hopefully it should work out better for Chew fans.

April 26, 2011 1:25 pm

I've often said, ya know to myself, since no one cares about my thoughts on such things, but that it's the best time to be a comic reader. If there's a book you're seriously interested in, go out and try it. When I was a teen just getting into comics not everything was made available in convienent trades and there was no Wikipedia. I'd have to hunt for back issues, or read through letter pages/Wizard Magazine hoping for tidbits to help fill the gaps in my knowledge. Now I can spend a few minutes on the internet and read up on probably more than I need to know to get caught up on a story.

And sometimes you don't even need that. I heard a ton of great things about Batgirl (and they were all true) but I really never read any Robin so I knew just about nothing about Stephanie Brown other some very basic "She used to be called Spoiler, got pregnant, then became Robin, then died" when I finally just decided to try a random issue. I didn't even need to know all that to enjoy this book. She's Batgirl, she's fun, the book is funny and well told and the rest I can get from the context of the story or the occasional bit of exposistion. Which is fine. That's what that's there for, for people like me just getting into the title. Eventually I can get the trades and get caught up, but for now I'm just happy to be reading another awesome comic.

April 11, 2011 10:23 am

I could have sworn I read somewhere that Opal City is in North Carolina. Considering the pirate connection to the city, I think it has to be either the sourthern half of the East Coast or a Gulf state. As I never got a "deep south" feel for Opal I think North Carolina feels right for me.

February 14, 2011 11:19 am

Now that I read that, yeah I can totally see that in his performance in the trailer. Not much McKellan in his performance and more of the Magneto from the comics, which I'm ok with. I think it would be distracting if we got a McKellan impersonation for two hours.

January 24, 2011 11:43 am

Back in the 90s I loved this magazine. I don't know if my taste mature or the magazine became less mature but on a lark I got a new subscription in the early 2000s... And it didn't do anything for me. The humor wasn't there, and any attempt at bringing comic news seemed pointless considering its competition with the internet, and the articles were just kind of there. I wound up flipping through each issue that arrived in my mailbox but never wound up just sitting down to enjoy it.

It's a shame, and there's a nostalgic part of me that is sorry to see it go, but I can't say I am honestly surprised.