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Name: Matt Boresi

Bio: Opera and Musical Theatre Writer and Professor living in Chicago. G.I. Joe fanatic and Marvel Zombie dipping his toes into the DC waters.



A man called Nathaniel Cable Askanison DaySpring Sinister Pryor Summers: Son of a clone and a mutant (or maybe the…

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Ummmm – what happened to this book? The other two reviewers mentioned this, but I think they gave it too…

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This review is terribly late because I’d saved this book to read, having enjoyed issue 1 so impossibly much. As…

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unclerocco's Recent Comments
December 14, 2011 1:35 pm Totally agreed about Rulk - his militarism is a great counterpoint to Spidey in ASM, and he's a great Avenger - much better than the Green-Hulk-Incarnation-of-the-Week.
December 14, 2011 12:37 am Perhaps we'll finally learn what the hell an "exanction" is...
December 8, 2011 1:19 am Great to see that in after 15 years or so of ridicule, Liefeld still hasn't bothered to learn to draw. You'd think he could take some of that Levi's money and enroll at Kubert or something.
December 8, 2011 1:17 am And no background.
December 8, 2011 1:06 am Ha! Kind of like people who say, "I don't mean this as an insult, but" - at which point one should cover one's ears because one is about to be insulted!
December 7, 2011 10:26 am I can't help but nitpick and say that tumors aren't rot - they're life. So are flies. So is most of what causes decay - bacteria, etc. The kid should have control of wounds or something. But I love this book so, frankly, whatever.
December 7, 2011 10:20 am He looks a bit too much like Iron Man with that glowing circle in his chest! (And with the name "Irons" and being black Tony Stark with a hammer - yikes.) Still, I'd prefer him to be on the JL than Cyborg, since Cyborg is younger than everybody else.
December 4, 2011 1:23 pm Actual Question: what exactly did he do with the plane? He phased through the plane, then, what? Grabbed it and vibrated it so it phased through the bridge, then skidded across the water to land? I know flash can "vibrate on a molecular level' and go through stuff, but he's NOT super strong, right? So how did he grab an entire plane from the inside aisle (I don't even understand the grip) and shake it like a Polaroid pitcha so it went through a bride? Everyone is raving about the art, and I do mostly love it, but I've had a few visual storytelling issues that have had me staring at the page forever (throwing the dude through the wall while falling, figuring out the speed force brain, and now this). I've not been a Flash reader before, has he been able to grab things and make them phase through stuff before? I liked the momentum of the scene, but not the execution of the big move...
December 2, 2011 9:47 pm @MattKelly, this might not be the right forum for such a discussion, but I think you hit the nail on the head bringing up Aspergers and the Autism Spectrum. Some fans may be creepy because they are rude or lacking in social skills from pure "bad home training", but take even a cursory glance and many of the "creepy" types in geek fandom and you'll see a lot of people who probably have or deserve a diagnosis. I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, but something about comics and geekdom is like a magnet to those with social and developmental disorders!
December 2, 2011 1:39 pm I think Miller drew the one called "Arabian Knight in: 'Jihad me at Delicious'", in which the Knight slaughters a group of boy scouts for their Fruit Pies, then urinates on an American flag. I thought it was kinda weird at the time, but, y'know, I was little.