NealAppeal's Recent Comments
March 27, 2009 12:58 am

I thought this was good, but I was slightly disappointed that Brubaker didn't use this as an excuse to bring back the original human torch. I know Ed Brubaker can't just resurrect or kill anybody he wishes, and maybe he's tried of that being his thing, and maybe we've got enough characters brought back from the fifites and coming to grips with the modern marvel u (Chris Weston claims he's back to work on the twelve!), and I know that Ed Brubaker will be writing the Human Torch in his upcoming Operation: Marvels series, but I still really really wanted him back, already.

Brubaker said it the best in a recent Newsarama article: "Some guy in Brooklyn invented a robot man who was on fire."  That's the kind of thing I'm all about.

March 25, 2009 10:27 pm @gat0rl1vebeatz Pham is coming back after next issue, just to warn you.
March 25, 2009 8:42 pm Once again, I liked this a lot. Thought the twist at the end was pretty great.
March 24, 2009 9:44 pm also noteworthy is the fact that this tie in is going to last only two issues.
March 24, 2009 9:42 pm

I think mostly the Dark Reign tie-ins have been appropriate, and sometimes even crazy natrual and great,  but I agree that it doesn't really feel right with this book, though I'm sure it will turn out fine. 

Fred Van Lente is listed as co writer next issue, so I'm guessing they just forgot to list him in the solicits, being that next issue is a part of the same arc.

Books I'd like to be in their own bubbles:


Mighty Avengers

Agents of Atlas 


March 24, 2009 6:04 pm

@KickAss I think it's a matter of personal taste for me. I prefer looking at Pham's stuff to Bagley's, Tan's, or Finch's. I get why people like Finch, but I don't dig his style. I don't know what about Bagley's art I'm supposed to like. I won't say it's bad, but I don't understand what's super good there. I find Tan a little boring and kind of messy and I don't like how his people look. Tan for me has as many negatives as Pham, but no positives.

With Pham, I know it's kind of ugly and inconsistant, and I know all the reasons not to like it, but it works for me. It looks good to me. Sometimes he has a boring panel or page, but mostly I like looking at his stuff. And I like how it looks with this colorist.

March 23, 2009 7:01 pm I hope this issue is good and other people agree with me about it being good, because it wasn't all that fun being the only person to really like the last issue.
March 18, 2009 11:50 pm @Next From the feeling I get with this book, and comments I seem to recall bendis having made on Word Balloon, I think that missing bit of story is supposed to be missing for now. I think Bendis is slowly going to tell you what the hell has happened with the sentry in this book. For instance, what's going on with his wife, why shy "sleeps" most of the time, why does she looks so terrified in that panel.
March 18, 2009 10:55 pm

@chuckenigma  yeah, I know what you mean. And that great "hell yeah" moment for bullseye. When I got to that part I was thinking "Josh is really gonna love this. Wait, oh yeah, that's not actually Hawkeye." Also, this had me thinking it would pretty cool if Marel Boy and Daken became best buds. Why do I think it would be cool for anybody to be buds with Daken?

I'm not ultra gung-ho about this book. Every issue I go in thinking that the issue may be good again, or it may start sucking. But so far I've made every issue of this my pick of the week. Go figure.

March 18, 2009 7:18 pm I thought this pretty confusing at times. Somtimes hard to tell what stuff was flash back or who people were, or in that double page spread, what order to read the caption balloons. Still pretty good, though.