NealAppeal's Recent Comments
April 6, 2009 8:31 pm I like the premise behind this instalment, and I like fred van lente. I'm on board!
April 6, 2009 8:19 pm

This is coming out the same week as Exhiles and I feel the same way about both of these comics. Not that interested in the charachters or premise, but I really like the writers.

I giving this a shot, for Fred Van Lente!

April 6, 2009 8:17 pm I have no attatchment to exiles, and these characters don't immediately seem interesting to me, but I like that Jeff Parker quite a bit. I'm giving it a shot!
April 2, 2009 12:52 am M-11 - hobies include: making skeletons.
April 1, 2009 11:34 pm I really liked this one. And I the ending was pretty awesome. I think the addition of some mean old men would make this team a little cooler. In fact I have very little interest in this current team. Phobos seems like he might be interesting, and I like Daisy's role, and Yo-Yo might have some potential after what happened to her this issue. other than that, there isn't much going on there. Hopefully things will improve on that front.
April 1, 2009 10:37 pm @parker Ha! also, I agree. Hickman's Reed is super great, and so are his Franklin and Val. Val is smart without being creepy, and frankilin is funny without being overly precocious.
April 1, 2009 8:07 pm Milady, tis the clobbering hour.
April 1, 2009 2:01 am

@edward yeah, that's it right there. I don't often feel that way, but it's for sure a real thing.

But I think Johns might be better than anyone else at call backs for the old fans that don't alienate the new. Legion of Three Worlds is a work of high continuity porn, but I despite having very little legion knowledge, I love it whenever it comes out. Green Lantern Rebirth, was actually my first comic in DC continuity and I had no trouble enjoying it.

March 30, 2009 10:31 pm

@flakbait I might could be down with that, but who would write it? How about this thing that will never happen: three flash books after rebirth.

The Flash: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis

Lightning Corps: ?, ?

Rogues: Ivan Brandon, ?

I went with Ivan Brandon on Rogues because Johns is the only DC dude I can think of for Flash, but Brandon's Kobra one shot makes me think he would write a killer rogues book. Also, he's one of the few dudes around DC who feels like a young up and comer. I have no idea about a Lightning Corps book, who would write it, what kind of book it would be.

March 30, 2009 7:26 pm I'm stoked about more cory walker art. I love the way his stuff looks. Remember that issue of punisher war journal he did with Kraven's son or whatever? I wish he could have been on that whole arc. His stuff is just lovely.