Review by: NealAppeal

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Avg Rating: 3.4
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Price: 2.99

In this surprisingly fun series, we take a look at Secret Invasion from the regular human perspective, which it turns out, is like Secret Invasion done as an old school sci-fi/horror movie. We got a Skrull killing people in a hospital, we get the perspective a cab driver stuck in the middle of a fight bewtween the skrulls and the young avengers, and scariest of all we get a group of people stuck in a locked down stark tower without power, trying to get to the ground floor and find a way out, while nearby in the building a skrull has killed an entire office worth of people. whose blood he has developed a taste for. Our protagonists are not trying to win a fight. They are facing an enemy they don’t have the power to fight against. They are all just trying their damdest to survive. Some also do their best to protect others, but when the chips are down, some just run.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I read my uddy’s copy of issue #1 and thought it was pretty decent. I’ll have to check this on out.

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