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Name: Casey Thomasson

Bio: Warrior from the future sent back in time to teach the past how to be awesome. And also for comics.I lean toward the tights and fights genre, but if the story's not there then neither am I (I'm lookin' at you, Fear Itself...). That said, off-beat gems like Bone, Midnight Nation and Y: The Last Man have been known to keep my attention. Green Lantern, Silver Surfer, Young Justice and the Avengers made me love comics, but the loss of Slingers taught me the bitter lessons of fanboydom. Now I just love readin' 'em, commentin' on 'em and havin' a grand ol' time!



From ninjas with multiple arms To psychic “real talk” on sheep farms It’s weird and obscure, This murderous tour, But…

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The Thors of three eras converge To banish divinity’s scourge Their battle, shown here In art without peer Shall end…

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Our heroes show Spartax their boot While stealing some high-flying loot But the lesson most dire For the guards to…

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CaseyJustice's Recent Comments
May 28, 2013 10:20 pm Last issue was a bit of a let-down, advertised as it was as the conclusion of the story arc, but this book's swagger, combinded with the return of Alphona, keep my excitement levels high.
May 28, 2013 10:16 pm Excited for the conclusion, sad that it's ending. This is one of the best books on the stands, and I sincerely hope that Rebekah Isaacs gets tons more work soon.
May 28, 2013 4:18 pm I bought the Parker/Samnee story when it was first released, but I think I'm buying it again in print, due to its' prettiness.
May 28, 2013 3:52 pm Sad that Robinson's leaving, but this book has been so muh fun that I'll definitely stick around, at least until he's gone. And who knows? Maybe somebody awesome will take over!
May 28, 2013 1:53 pm Well, we know they're not allowed to use analogues for characters on Earth 1, so I'm gonna guess... Terry McGuiness? Ohh, or if we're going Silver Age with it, Bruce Wayne Jr.
May 28, 2013 1:51 pm Coipel makes this an instant pull. Thr fact that Jubilee is a major player in the book doesn't hurt, either.
May 24, 2013 4:10 pm Can't wait for this! The utter joy of getting (basically) a Flash animated movie aside, I'm excited for them to streamline the Flashpoint storyline, which had a very promising core idea. They've proven that they can improve on clunky comic stories with Red Hood, so I really hope this works.
May 23, 2013 9:36 pm Ok, first, this is awesome. Quicksilver is a great character, appearing in two films directed by fantastic artists. But man, let's pretend for a second that they ARE playing ball and the actor WILL be the same in both movies. How blown will all of our minds be when the post-credits scene after Avengers 2 is the X-Men, coming to town to "chat" with those uppity flatscans? I think I might need to lie down.
May 22, 2013 10:27 pm Very well said, sir. I share your sentiments, and love seeing Kyle take a unique place in the GL mythos.
May 21, 2013 6:37 pm Regarding the relationship: I meant in the movie alone. If you'd been watching the series, I definitely agree. If you just watch the film, not so much. Again, this is a new fan's perspective. Regarding the intro scene: In fairness, I only saw it once, but the scene was Khan explaining to Checkov's buddy that he was a genetic experiment, dicked over by Kirk. A total of about 3 sentences, roughly the same as he is given in Into Darkness. I'm just sayin'. If you haven't watched the series, the movie doesn't do a great job of setting things up. It's still good, though.