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Name: Casey Thomasson

Bio: Warrior from the future sent back in time to teach the past how to be awesome. And also for comics.I lean toward the tights and fights genre, but if the story's not there then neither am I (I'm lookin' at you, Fear Itself...). That said, off-beat gems like Bone, Midnight Nation and Y: The Last Man have been known to keep my attention. Green Lantern, Silver Surfer, Young Justice and the Avengers made me love comics, but the loss of Slingers taught me the bitter lessons of fanboydom. Now I just love readin' 'em, commentin' on 'em and havin' a grand ol' time!



From ninjas with multiple arms To psychic “real talk” on sheep farms It’s weird and obscure, This murderous tour, But…

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The Thors of three eras converge To banish divinity’s scourge Their battle, shown here In art without peer Shall end…

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Our heroes show Spartax their boot While stealing some high-flying loot But the lesson most dire For the guards to…

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CaseyJustice's Recent Comments
May 30, 2013 3:14 pm True, and while I DO think that may be an obstacle for some folks coming in fresh, it's equally true that people will just pick up and go for the ride, gleaning new info as they go or (more likely) just enjoying a fun story with great characters. Certainly, that's how I started reading, as a lad. What I felt this book did very well was boil our protagonists down to their essential qualities, without delving into their complicated-ass backgrounds. That, I think, is the kind of accessability that matters.
May 30, 2013 12:31 pm Also, that is one of the best reviews ever.
May 30, 2013 12:29 pm I don't think I was underestimating anyone's intelligence, but I do think that you raise a fair point. As someone who's read comics for a while, I think it's hard for me (as it is, I assume, for most of us) to imagine the perspective of this mysterious "new reader." I'm glad that the young lady enjoyed the comic. I did, too. On those fronts, mission accomplished indeed.
May 30, 2013 12:18 pm Great article, Ryan. I've always loved the Atom's mode of conveyance: Flying through the phone lines at atomic size!
May 30, 2013 9:58 am No no, I was able to pick things up through context clues and whatnot. I guess I always try to look at #1 issues from the perspective of a new reader, and while this issue set up the conflict fine, it really didn't set up the X-Men or the characters very well (except for Jubilee). But really, I think I need to get over that. Most #1 relaunches are just creative team changes these days, written as if one has already been reading the book. I just feel like it's a missed opportunity to welcome mew X-Fans when we're introduced to characters and situations that the book clearly expects us to already be familiar with.
May 30, 2013 12:28 am Oh, hello Superman! It's been so long, I almost didn't recognize you! A masterful anthology, and a fitting tribute to the greatest super hero. POTW.
May 29, 2013 11:28 pm Agreed. This crossover is a blast.
May 29, 2013 11:19 pm Great review! Funnily enough, the very over-the-top-ness of the book that you disliked made this one of my favorite books this week.
May 29, 2013 11:17 pm Big time fun. Time travel, psychic monsters, twisted mindscapes AND a drunken dwarf? Soy was great, Alphona was inspired, and this book was baller, as usual.
May 29, 2013 11:11 pm My feelings exactly. This is getting to be a trend with #1's,this lack of background info. It's one thing for a book like X-Force to be a little continuity heavy, but you'd kinda hope that "X-Men #1" would be a little more new-reader friendly. That aside, still a rad book.