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Name: Cj Babcock




This entire book – story, art, and back materials is an A class presentation. It doesn’t feel like a 2.99…

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Jeff Lemire, Jeff Lemire, you beautiful bride you! Unfortunately this is a bridesmaid’s effort, if it can be called that….

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With all the news about race diversification going on this week for the major two companies, Savage Dragon has been…

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SummerSleep's Recent Comments
January 8, 2011 7:40 am I think if DC learns from this, and says hey, let's focus on animated programming, that could be so much more lucrative as a business venture. If they could do what Marvel is doing with the Avengers and Superhero squads, and pair it with well written kids comics pushed out in trade through the book store market, fucking gangbusters.
January 4, 2011 2:12 pm This makes complete sense considering all the talk when referring to Axel being lumped in with more senior members of the editorial staff ( I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it). I think this is potentially a good change, and I'm sure both are happy in thier roles.
To anyone who thinks Quesada hasn't been a good EIC I think might be a tad cross. Everyone who worked under him seemed to enjoy him and support his decisions very honestly, which on a staff so diverse in personality, especially one which blends creative and business minds, that's a true accomplishment.
I can't wait to see what Axel does with the company with Fear Itself and everything.
January 4, 2011 12:47 pm I'm super stoked. I'm now going through the Morrison Doom Patrol and connecting to it, I was dreading coming up to the Flex Mentallo part of it and missing this miniseries which I'm sure adds to the greatness of Doom Patrol. Good job DC!
December 21, 2010 5:47 pm Great timing on this. I love how WB keeps getting great scoops and managing timing. It is one of the few places I TRUST for comics journalism.
December 21, 2010 5:30 pm If we look back to recent arcs of the FF, specifically 581-582, we find that Future Valeria told Sue she must be strong for them all in a very rousing speech, and that when all seemed grim Sue should look to the sky and remember what her future children sacrificed. Thus, there is supreme doubt Sue will be dying.
The Thing will not die, because he died pretty recently (Mark Waid's run had his death and resurrection). Although Hickman has made it easy to kill The Thing (given that he is currently without his protective rock shell). So thus, Susie and Mr. Grimm seem to be safe.
Johnny is one that I think could possibly be embracing the reaper's touch, due to a slight reference. In FF 582 Future Franklin reveals his favorite hero is not Spider-man, but the Human Torch. While this can be seen as a cute line, it can also be a signifier of the future. In placing such significance on Johnny, future Franklin could be saying that in order to save Franklin from Galactus (something currently happening in FF 585), Johnny sacrifices himself. I think Johnny, because of this reference could be potentially the member to go, although he doesn't amount to my actual choice, Reed.
I think Reed, given all of the evidence is the most likely to die, being that he is central to the FF and Hickman's run. Reed also is known to be in trouble because Valeria needed to talk to Doom in FF 583, to have Doom help her because in the future she fears Reed will be in trouble. Future Valeria also tells Sue to be strong for the family, which essentially says that their central figure, as the FF are patriarchal, Reed, will be dying. Reed is also currently in space, speaking to Galactus, with other people coming brought by the Surfer. Galactus is also very worried about Franklin, which could mean that Reed sacrifices himself to save Franklin in some way.
TL;DR: No way Sue or Ben. Maybe Johnny. Probably Reed.
December 8, 2010 8:50 pm As an English major, I appreciated the use of MLA standard for intext citation.
November 23, 2010 10:48 am Heart warming, and we all know that ALL of the couples are top creators and deserve the one spot, even when not mentioned. I think it's like brothers in the music business, every band with brothers in it is always good.
November 17, 2010 3:03 pm

I'm one of the few people who is probably kind of happy about this. I had problems with the series, and I didn't like Langridge on this book at all, so I dropped it. I loved Samnee's art and can't wait to see what he does next, as long as it isn't with Lanridge.

I'm sorry for all you guys who lost a book you cared about...the good news is that you will have extra money to try a new book, and find a new love, and hopefully support that for a long time.

September 22, 2010 10:06 am I really am sad because I was looking to Wildstorm to give me some fun new superhero books. I have been loving DV8 by Brian Wood, and was hoping he'd follow the miniseries with another. I guess all bets are off? I understand what they are doing, and as long as DC/Vertigo stay afloat I'll be happy.
August 26, 2010 4:34 pm I hope they get rid of Reed, because Hickman's run so far has spent nearly all it's time with him. Sue gets kind of the least time in the run, and I want to see a Sue who starts stepping into Reed's role as the main character.