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Name: Shaun Kronenfeld




This is the comic where Superman uses physical intimidation to force his wife to kill a news story. I will…

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What a crazy, wild ride of an issue this is.  I have greatly enjoyed Hickman’s run on FF from the…

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Now THIS is more like it.  First off the bat (no pun intended), I would be remiss if I didn’t…

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StorytellerSJK's Recent Comments
May 31, 2011 5:28 pm Jim Lee is also redesiging several costumes, including Supes and GL and has taken the opporuntiy to tweak his previous Wonder Woman design. You can see them here: http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/jl.jpg
April 13, 2011 11:50 pm Dillion portrarys crazy better than almost any other artist I know working in the industry today. Its the way he draws the eyes. The first time you see that patient in this weeks issue, you don't need to read a lick of dialouge or even see the fact that he is strapped down to know everything you need to know about him. I'm also some one with little paitence for the idea of Punisher in his own book, for a variety of reasons, and always feel he is best suited as that supporting character you bring in when you need to make it clear that shit is about to get real (as you guys yourselves have pointed out in the past). But damn if Aaron isn't making me a believer. And this from someone who gave up on Punisher Max shortly into Ennis' initial run on the title.
March 11, 2011 7:01 pm I love elsesworld/alternate timeline (loving Age of X for example) stories but remain blah lately on Johns. Still, I'd have to have a heart of stone to not at least appreciate titles as glouriously nutty as Grod of War *groan*. Anybody else getting a Spider-man vibe from the Cricket between his tagline, the fact people are shooting at him, and that he is leaping in a vaguly classic Spidey like pose? Plus crickets=bugs and spiders=bugs to a lot of people (I know they are different, I'm just saying).
February 9, 2011 7:25 pm On the one hand I love the idea of Spidey joining, for however long, the FF. Thats a grouping that has always worked for me. On the other hand, *engaging fanboy mode*, the guy is already on 2 Avengers teams. Much as I love Spidey in those books, if they are going to do this he should leave at least 1, if not both, of the teams for the duration. Its not a huge deal, I mean its not like he is Wolvie whose is on multiple teams located at oppostie ends of the country or anyhting. (It really bugs me because they don't even try to address it. Give me something, even half-assed, to hold onto. Its not like this is the DC universe where superheros have regular access to the JLA telporters after all). *exiting fanboy mode* Oh well when Hickman starts killing it with his typical amazing writing I'm sure all my annoyances will simply drop away. :) 
February 2, 2011 8:52 pm My opinion of both this issue and the series overall is about as diametrically opposed from Connor as I think is humanly possible.
January 24, 2011 3:33 pm Exactly the kind of classy behavior that I have come to expect from Shamus over the years. Firings/major restructurings are never easy on those who get left behind but this approach takes a terrible, painful process, pours gasoline on it, and then lights a match. For that extra "f.u." quality. 
January 21, 2011 11:11 pm I have no idea why my text is so large. Sorry for the eyesore everyone.
January 21, 2011 11:10 pm
The show sounds like it will be closer to Diana McBeal than Wonder Woman, unsurprisingly considering Kelly is the show runner. Is that a bad thing? Time will tell, but I going to keep an open mind. Though considering how bad Harry's Law was, maybe I should not. :)

January 20, 2011 1:12 pm Its great stuff, both well written and surprisingly realistic. Except for the few times it is is not, when it goes truly, delicously over the top.
January 18, 2011 4:52 pm Amen Connor, Stardust fans represent. Seriously, I do not get what everybody is complaining about. I'd take these of over the leather fetishists outfits any day of the week. Matthew Vaughn is the man who took one of my least favorite comics of all time, Kick-Ass, and turned it into one of my top ten films for 2010. A man who can do that, is a man who I have no problem keeping the faith for.