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Name: Shaun Kronenfeld




This is the comic where Superman uses physical intimidation to force his wife to kill a news story. I will…

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What a crazy, wild ride of an issue this is.  I have greatly enjoyed Hickman’s run on FF from the…

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Now THIS is more like it.  First off the bat (no pun intended), I would be remiss if I didn’t…

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StorytellerSJK's Recent Comments
January 15, 2011 5:06 am @Mart  I Have Issues. http://ihaveissuestv.wordpress.com/
January 14, 2011 3:28 pm

Green Hornet is an exciting, action packed, funny as hell movie. Easily one of the best Superhero movies I have ever seen. Just go into understanding that it is as much a comedy as an action movie and you will be fine. What makes it work is that the comedy for the most part comes from the characters and their actions and not from mocking the conventions of the superhero genre. This is not a superhero parody of any kind. It is a superhero film that also happens to be comedy. Think along the lines of the JLI stuff, though admittedly with a stronger comedic focus than that series had. The film has some terrific visual flourishes, well staged fight sequences, and a perfect buddy paring in Rogen and Chou. Do I think everyone will enjoy the film? No, but more owing to personal taste than actual poor filmmaking. A must see for comic fans.

January 13, 2011 6:25 am @deantrippe I reviewed this book for the podcast I co-host, so no I unfortantely had to read it several times. I noticed those things, yes, but did not make the same assumptions for two main reasons: A. Supes has been acting increasingly emo long before Ms. Plot Contrivance entered the story and B. Nothing in this issue clearly establishes that Supes current actions are the result of outside manipulation. Could that be what is going on? Possibly, but until I have confirmation of such, I am taking the book at face value. Also Lois is thinking clearly? Really? Lois has been threatened by Lex Luthor and refused to kill a story. She has faced down her power mad father and refuesed to back down. So the idea that she would back down in the face of Clarks half assed threats... Well its terrible writing to be frank. Again maybe next issue it will turn out that Lois published the story anyways but until then I can only go by what is on the page. Even if all that did turn out to be true this still remains a ham-fisted, poorly written attempt at moral ambiguity. And FYI, the characters from the 'future' did not tell Supes he was acting out of character but instead simply commented on how dark things have seemed lately for him. No offense, but maybe you need to go back and read a little closer.
January 13, 2011 6:13 am This was definitly a fun issue and a nice cleansing read after Supes this week. Nice to know DC can still actually make comics that are fun. But I digress. Damian has definitly one me over and may just stand as the single best contribution to DC comics Grant Morrision has ever made, and the man has made more than a few. So teaming up Damian with Batgirl=Fun. Teaming up Damian with Teen Titans=Fun. And teaming up Damian with Dick (especially when written by Paul Cornell)=Fun. This leads to only one logical conclusion. We need a monthly Damian team up book ala Marvel Team Up or Deadpool Team Up. Call it Brave & the Bold: Damian edition if you like, just as long as this book happens. Now. :)
January 6, 2011 12:58 am I found this comic to be unbearable. What you found clever, such a the playing with time, I found forced and uncessary. Not to mention all the continuity erros, big and small. The art was nice though. My pick would have been Avengers: Prime, but hey thats why my name is not Ron Richards. :)
December 12, 2010 2:05 pm Great ep. Blended the contintuties in the way that I was really hoping. I love how this show cherry picks what works from the various continuties without hesitation. This is the way it should be done. The Ms. Marvel tease at episode end was especially nice. I also like the Iron Giant reference (unless I am reading to much into the scene) early on in the fight. Made me smile. I remain curious how, if at all, Ultimate Spidey is going to tie into this show.
December 12, 2010 2:03 pm Great ep. Blended the contintuties in the way that I was really hoping. I love how this show cherry picks what works from the various continuties without hesitation. This is the way it should be done. The Ms. Marvel tease at episode end was especially nice. I remain curious how, if at all, Ultimate Spidey is going to tie into this show.
December 11, 2010 6:14 pm Love the design for Marvel. Strikes a nice balance between original Kree, Ulitmate, and doing its own thing. This should be fun. As for the time, well thats what god invented tivo for. :)
December 3, 2010 6:19 pm Yet. Not a big threat in Nepal yet. Never know what tomorrow may bring after all. :)
December 3, 2010 12:28 pm It's a good line but not coming from Darkseid. Its just too casual, to oddly slang like, for the reserved god of evil. It would be as weird as hearing the line coming out of Doctor Doom's mouth. I loved almost everything else about this issue and I am a HUGE Cornell fan but I'm sorry he just did not get Darkseid's dialouge right for my taste.