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Name: Paul Jaissle

Bio: I like Batman.



It’s almost impossible, and a little foolish, to judge “Wednesday Comics” in the same way as any other comic. I…

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I’m sure that others will have much more to say with regards to Final Crisis, but I thought I’d offer…

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EAGLEBAUER's Recent Comments
December 24, 2009 11:59 am As much I have liked Reborn, this was much, much better. Even after Marvel botched Steve's return, this issue showed just how important it is to have him back. Can't wait until Cap #602 (finally).
December 9, 2009 12:22 pm In the USA Today interview, Morrison says he has another year of Dick and Damien stories ready to go, couple that with the fact that Return of Bruce Wayne is 6 issues, there will be plenty of non-Bruce Batman action to enjoy. I for one am excited about this. Morrison's run on Batman has always been an attempt to get away from the grim and gritty feel, and what better way to do that that Caveman Batman?
December 9, 2009 11:46 am I subscribed to this just after issue 612 came out (couldn't pass up that 36 issues for fifty bucks deal) but I haven't gotten 613 yet. Is that lag time between AMS showing up on the LCS rack and my mailbox usually that long???
December 5, 2009 8:46 am I thought this issue was perfect in every possible way. I loved the emotional contrast between the triumphant Jonah saying "Fifty," and the heartbreaking, kick-in-the-gut last page. That's some good comics.
November 11, 2009 8:30 pm Ugh. At least the cover was funny. I know there are a lot of Deadpool and Joe Kelly fans who will love this, but this particular brand of random, self-referential humor does nothing for me. "Yo mama" jokes? Really? Oh well. I hope The Gauntlet justifies the fact I've stuck with ASM through Ben Reilly and Deadpool, two of the more regrettable things to come out of the 1990s.
November 10, 2009 12:10 pm

Sounds like someone has been watching Twin Peaks lately...

Medium-sized week for me. Looking forward to Batman and Robin, and the Doc Savage thing. Also getting ASM, Daredevil, GLC, and Unwritten. 

BQ: I just bought myself a new pair of glasses even though my perscription hasn't changed in years.

September 29, 2009 9:24 am The issue of Superboy's glasses is addressed in the children's book "When Superman Was Superboy," which wa published by Random House in 1980. It's part of a four-part set of picture books telling the origin of Superman, and features Ramona Fradon art. These books were the first picture books I read as young boy, and the images are burned into my memory forever. The glasses scene is great. The actual text from the books: "Clark Kent must look different from Superboy so he buys a pair of eyeglasses. But Clark forgot the glasses would melt when he uses his heat vision. Clark finds two pieces of plastic from the spaceship he arrived in from Krypton. Clark cooks dinner for his mother. His new glasses don't melt." Sure enough, there's a picture of Clark cooking a big pot roast with his heat vision. Cute stuff.
September 21, 2009 8:59 pm I really want to get the Green Lantern page from this issue framed.
September 4, 2009 4:03 pm @Noto I totally agree with you on the Flash page. While I have really liked some of the pages so far, that one seems the most suitable for framing.
August 25, 2009 11:46 am


A Morrison/Stewart Batman series would probably make my head explode. With awesomeness.