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Name: Paul Jaissle

Bio: I like Batman.



It’s almost impossible, and a little foolish, to judge “Wednesday Comics” in the same way as any other comic. I…

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I’m sure that others will have much more to say with regards to Final Crisis, but I thought I’d offer…

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EAGLEBAUER's Recent Comments
August 25, 2009 11:44 am This current arc has been fantastic, and Kaluta's art is absolutely gorgeous.
August 24, 2009 7:42 pm

Huh. I thought Love and Rockets:New Stories #2 was out this week. Is it next week or did I miss it???

BQ: "You can never be strong, you can only be free, and I never asked for the truth but you owe that to me." -Guided By Voices, "Game of Pricks"

August 23, 2009 10:23 am I too didn't plan on buying this, but decided to after flipping through it in the store. I thought this was a great modern, gritty take on a silver age type of story, especially the ending (note the nod to the old World's Finest stories on the last page. Awesome). Personally, I thought Albuquerque's sketchy, expressionistic style fir the mood of the story perfectly. This was a nice surprise, and ended up being my Pick of the Week.
August 14, 2009 11:58 am I'm glad I recently read Crisis on Infinite Earths, 'cause that definately put some things here in context. You know the DCU is in a bad way when the Phantom Stranger shows up! Between the Aquaman and Spectre scense, there were plenty of "oh shit!" moments, and looks like there will be plenty more to come.
July 23, 2009 9:54 am

John Romita Jr's cover for ASM 600 was my favorite this week. My store had pulled the Alex Ross cover, but I opted for Junior's: it iconic without looking retro, and it simply sums up the grace and dynamism of ol' Web-head. If Marvel made posters of this cover, I'd buy one in a heartbeat (hint, hint).

Also, the DC fanboy in me couldn't help but love Green Lantern 44. Hal and Barry fighting a zombie J'onn J'onzz while the smash through Bruce Wayne's tombstone??? Awesome. Mahnke just nailed it perfectly on that one.

July 14, 2009 3:22 pm Wow, it's finally here! Things are about to get crazy in the DCU: human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!!!
July 9, 2009 4:05 pm @RoiVampire- I agree that the security camera explination was pretty interesting, but the Dick/Alfred discussion just felt redundent after the similar scene in Batman and Robin last week. Again, it might be unfair to compare them in that way, but I had fun reading Batman and Robin where reading this felt like a chore. It is a little strange that we see Dick grinning while Batman, then later complaining about how hard it is to fight in the costume. Maybe he's just mugging for the cameras?
July 8, 2009 8:07 pm Eh. I liked the last issue for the most part, but this didn't do a thing for me. The writing was solid, if a bit bland, but the art was generic and flat. I knw it's unfair to compare it to "Batman and Robin," but that book seems to really be exploring the fact that we have different characters in those roles. Here, the approach seems to be just showing Batman smiling a lot to signal that it's someone other than Bruce.
July 7, 2009 9:59 am Really surprised this doesn't have more pulls. I really see no reasons why this won't be awesome. I love the fact that each feature was it's own look and feel: it's like getting 15 different books! Sure it's only 16 pages for $3.99, but those are some pretty big pages.
July 3, 2009 10:32 am It's interesting to see the difference between Tomasi's work on this compared to Green Lantern Corps. One is all crazy cresendo build-up with a ton happening, and the other is a slow-burning fuse filled with vague, ominous tension. And yet, both are equally exciting. And yes, this definately had the best cover of all the stuff I bought this week.