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Name: Paul Jaissle

Bio: I like Batman.



It’s almost impossible, and a little foolish, to judge “Wednesday Comics” in the same way as any other comic. I…

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I’m sure that others will have much more to say with regards to Final Crisis, but I thought I’d offer…

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EAGLEBAUER's Recent Comments
July 3, 2009 10:25 am Great issue as usual. I see why people would find it"rushed," but that's just how I imagine things getting right before Blackest Night: chaotic and confusing. Seeing that last page really cemented the fact that finally Blackest Night is here!
July 2, 2009 9:52 pm I know Chuck D told you not to, but believe the hype! This is near perfect comic booking: well paced, fun, gorgeous, and leaves you needing more. Morrison is clearly setting up something big, but it never feels confusing or overly clever. Quietly's art does as much heavy-lifting: just the postures of Dick and Alfred on the first page sets up their discussion at the end of the issue. Even the action scenes tell you this is a different Batman: all acrobatic grace and poise. Love it. 5/5.
June 21, 2009 9:24 am Wow, yet another re-telling of Cap's origin? Only a month after Marcos Martin's brilliant re-telling in #50? At least it only took up 2 pages here. As much as I liked parts of this book, it felt like a bunch of filler thrown together as an excuse to charge $5. I wish there had been more from the Brubaker story, even though I'm not ready to see Steve come back yet.
June 21, 2009 9:16 am My POTW for sure. It is weird that this is a whole new title considering it picks up a lot of the threads from Dini and Nguyen's last arc on Detective, but other than that it's perfect. Nguyen's pencils are gorgeous as always; I just love the moody, stylized feel he gives to Batman. I even dug the Manhunter feature even though I know almost nothing about that character. Well worth my $4.
June 2, 2009 9:55 am I think I'll try all these titles for couple of issues, if not the first arc of each. However, the only ones I imagine staying with are Batman & Robin, Streets of Gotham, and Detective (I love me some J.H. Williams III art!). And yes, this is a very exciting time to be a Batman fan.
June 1, 2009 8:51 pm @Prax: My sentiments exactly. I hate to get too hyped up over something, but I cannot wait to read this book, and I fully expect to love it. 
May 29, 2009 8:53 am I thought this issue was much better than the last few. Even Tan's art, which has been a little too "busy" at times, looks better here. But it's the coloring that really impressed me, especially after reading Conor's article about color. There are so many different, contrasting colors going on here at once, but it never looks messy or overwhelming; it just looks great. 
May 26, 2009 10:38 pm I thought the last issue was great, so I am really looking forward to this one. Now that the introductory material of the first arc is out of the way, it feels like the action is about to pick up. 
May 8, 2009 6:34 pm I've never been too into Superman, but I'm loving this book. My pick of the week for sure.
May 5, 2009 9:21 am I really like how the covers for this series give this brand new character a really iconic feel. And between this, GLC, and the Outsiders, Tomasi has been firing on all cylinders lately.