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Name: Paul Jaissle

Bio: I like Batman.



It’s almost impossible, and a little foolish, to judge “Wednesday Comics” in the same way as any other comic. I…

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I’m sure that others will have much more to say with regards to Final Crisis, but I thought I’d offer…

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EAGLEBAUER's Recent Comments
April 9, 2009 12:07 pm Great show, guys. I was lucky enough to be there for the interview (that's me in the Detroit hat!). It is amazing that Geoff is so relaxed considering a majority of the DCU basically rests on his shoulders. He is also an incredibly nice guy to boot. The Blackest Night cannot get here soon enough. Oh, and yes, I did have him sign my stuff "Go Tigers!"
March 25, 2009 4:37 pm Well, look at that. It just so happens I'll be in NYC next week. JHU was my shop of choice when I did live in New York, so I will be there for sure!
March 21, 2009 9:58 am Overall, I really liked this arc. I never read any of the One/Brand New Day stuff, but New Ways to Die and this were great. This issue had some great moments, especially the "Gwen..." line. As much as I like having three issues of Spidey a month, I sometimes with this was a regular monthly so JR JR could be the regular artist: nobody does Spider-Man as well as he does. 
March 12, 2009 3:35 pm Overall, I liked this issue, but the political commentary seemed a little heavy-handed at times. The critiques of Bush and the "war on terror" probably would have been more interesting had the book come out in 2003 (when it is set), as it is now, it feels a little "after-the-fact." The Watchmen comparison is apt, although this seems more fully rooted in Silver Age conventions than Watchmen was. To that end, I thought the art was appropriate: it echoed Kirby when the story needed it to, and was surprisingly poignant at moments. Not perfect by any means, but I am interested to see where the story heads as the series progresses. 
March 12, 2009 3:24 pm I picked this and World of New Krypton up on a whim. I've never been too interested in the Superman titles, but Rucka's got me hooked now. Now, would I have to start buying all the Super-titles to keep up with the story, or could I just stick with Action and WONK??? 
March 12, 2009 3:14 pm This really deserves to be a top-tier title. The last issue of Green Lantern felt jumbled; too much forced into a single issue. Here, Tomasi handles several storylines without coming off forced or rushed. Just fantastic storytelling.
March 6, 2009 9:32 am

Looks like I agree with Ron: after having a few days to think about it, I liked the movie more than I did initially. Still, though, I didn't love it. In fact, my ambivalence toward the whole thing is a big problem: it didn't really move me one way or the other. I thought the first 30-45 minutes were great, especially the title sequence. After that, though, the movie felt like a series of "greatest hits" from the book. Sure, it looked great and was really faithful to the book, but all the context that gives those moments emotional weight was missing. The sense of impending nuclear war that permeates the book is just replaced by characters saying, "hey, world war III could happen any moment," and the ending was so dumbed down it barely packed any punch at all. My biggest complaint, though, was the fight sequences (in the ally and prison) and the sex scene. At those moments, the movie felt like just another big, dumb, stereotypical "comic book" movie. The book is cited as a mature work not because it was graphic, but because it was morally ambiguous. Here in the movie, we have people in costumes snapping off people's arms and throwing each other across the room (Snyder did realize that Nite Owl and Silk Specter don't have super powers, right???), which is exactly the sort of juvenile non-sense that Moore was critiquing in the book. That said, like Conor, I would be curious to see it again, not in nit-picking mode.

March 4, 2009 8:29 am Caught an advance screening of Watchmen last night. I was expecting it to be pretty bad since I hated both 300 and Snyder's Dawn of the Dead. While I didn't hate it, I thought it had some major flaws. I'll wait until Friday to share more specific thoughts, and I'm really curious to see what everyone else thinks.