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Name: Ian Raney

Bio: I grew up on Long Island (aka Longuyland),  learned in Michigan, and settled in San Diego.  I've been collecting comics since Justice League Europe #41, which may have led to me collecting  every Justice League comic from  DeMatteis and Giffen's Justice League #1 to Justice League of America #113 (yeah the one with Fire, Blue Devil, Ice Maiden, Nuklon, Obsidian, and the Yazz).  Currently I'm collecting more DC than Marvel but I don't take sides.  I love me some good indie books (Y, Fear Agent, Scalped), but I'm usually late to the party and end up picking up the first trade.  I'm not one for forums (I don't have time to keep checking back for response!), but glad that i can leave comments here at iFanboy. 


Definitely another solid issue.  It wasn’t as exciting as I was hoping though.  I think this was ruined by the…

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nroa's Recent Comments
March 31, 2008 8:10 pm Didn't issue 5 just come out?  Either way I'm ok with another issue
March 31, 2008 8:09 pm Huh, I did not expect so many comments on this book already.  I guess good or bad, people are going to give it the one issue try.
March 31, 2008 8:07 pm When I read the first issue I looked around to see if this was a joke.  Some of the thought boxes were spot on to many of the thoughts/past I've had.  Unfortunately I haven't taken the leap to crime fighting yet.....yet.
March 31, 2008 8:06 pm @Brandon2: I think only Morrison

i've never been a pick bats fan.  I like the stories, but never enough to collect on a regular basis.  But I have been picking up Detective everytime Dini was on.  I was hoping for the story to all come together, but I'm down with the solid one (or two) and dones he's been writing
March 28, 2008 8:30 pm Drop.  Be back when it becomes interesting again
March 26, 2008 8:12 pm @Balefuego: gotcha.  Thats cool.  Sometimes I can't resist spoiling things and then I'm disappointed that I did.  damn me!
March 25, 2008 11:55 am hahah...yeah I have the collected edition for the first ...2 or 3 issues.  And all the rest.  It kills me a little inside.
March 25, 2008 11:54 am I guess i'm in the minority but I didn't really enjoy the David Mack echo story in ...Daredevil (?).
March 25, 2008 11:51 am I'm not really excited for this arc.  I'm also not that big of a fan of the cover.  But i'm prepared to be wowed as Johns usually delivers

@ParkerRogers: I think if you start at Rebirth and read up till now it would be a nice run to read.  If you aren't down for that big of a purchase, I would say go Rebirth and then read Sinestro Corps.  Everything in between the two is set up (solid good story setup ...but setup)

@ohcaroline: It'll probably seem convulted because you haven't been reading, but I think this is just an origin story, so I doubt it'll involve too much of what is going on...at least not until the last issue of this arc.

PS if you don't want to know who may be leading the Black Lantern charge...don't read Lying in the Gutters over at comicbookresources.
March 25, 2008 11:44 am Well I haven't picked up my books from last week yet so I have read 6.  But the way the pace of this book is going, I bet they are all still standing together about to face some evil.