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Name: Parker Holland

Bio: I live in Texas and once worked in the office of a large comic book store in the area. Through this I learned some of the uglier sides of the comic distribution industry and have come out of the experience still loving comics but in a much different way and for many more reasons.I am currently on a "DnA" kick and am trying to collect all of their work that I can in issues since DC seems to have a "No Trades Allowed" policy when it comes to the majority of their work.


Parker's Recent Comments
June 6, 2010 6:40 pm Do you think Aniz will mention his win on the MTV Awards tonight or was it prerecorded?
April 1, 2010 9:26 pm Forget Katers! According to every other comic news site creators the world over are kicking Meltzer out of the industry. That would be an awesome curveball. Would he be allowed to review any of his past works?
January 13, 2010 11:47 am The smaller figure looks like Dove
December 21, 2009 2:36 pm lol me thinks someone posted the wrong solicit
September 28, 2009 3:04 pm It seems like a re-telling, not a re-print. And as far as who has been asking, I have. Ben Reilly and the Scarlet Spider got me into comics as a kid and I couldn't be happier that some talented creators are stepping up to the plate and dealing with argueably the most taboo story in super hero comics.
August 12, 2009 12:23 pm

I think you're in the minority Mike. ALL of the Superman books matter for the first time in years and there is finally some consistency between them.

Before this split I was a big supporter of canceling either Superman or Action. Why do we need two books telling mediocre to just down right terrible stories about one character? Then Johns came along and made Action good again but Superman was still going through creative teams like tissue paper.

I finally care about Superman and his books. All of them. Yes, even Supergirl. This "event" has taken me from only buying Action because Johns was on it, to buying the entire line. Up until now Superman was just some overly powered guy who had no supporting cast and no chance of ever being hurt by anything. In a word, boring.

But he is now more interesting than ever and his supporting cast is now so large and interesting that I would actually buy a Cat Grant one shot.  each book is exploring it's own side of Metropolis and the actual PEOPLE involved in Supermans life. This is 10 times better to me than seeing Clark kick some villains ass for the millionth time.

I think Chris on Around Comics quoted it a couple of weeks ago, happy characters are boring. And lets face it, before now when did Superman have ANY real hardship in his life? I think it was when he died. So it's been a decade or more since a Superman story was told that actually had any lasting impact on the character or made you think everything might not turn up all roses when all is said and done.

Plus, Supergirl is actually pretty awesome. When was the last time anybody was willing to say that in public?

July 30, 2009 1:07 pm

"As media mogul Morgan Edge fans the flames of Earth's distrust of all things alien, Mon-El wrestles with his looming demise and what to do with his remaining life."

So when did any of that happen in this issue?

I thought it was an ok issue but it just kind of seemed rushed to bring some threads to a close while setting up the crossover. 3/5

July 22, 2009 4:00 pm My problem with the loeb series has never been it's fanciful nature. My problem is that it was the only place to find hulk after a major event with him. It's like if after the battle for the cowl mini was over the only batman book they put out was all star. Is it a bad book? No. But after an event that supposedly cha ges a character forever I want to see that character and see them in a story that continues from their last story.
July 20, 2009 6:33 pm The ressurected characters showed up in these issues before they appeared any place else. But the perez delays do seem excessive. I know I've said he is worth waiting on but this has beenridiculous
July 13, 2009 10:25 pm

I can see the point that the co-feature should relate to the main story atleast thematically. Which I think this one does. It's not like they put the Manhunter or Blue Beetle back-ups in here.

Captain Atom atleast has a history of being involved in the Superman world. If they do choose to include him in the upcoming patriot acts storyline (or whatever they are calling it) it would make total sense. In fact now I'm actually hoping he is involved since he could be a big gun for General Lane.