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Name: Eric Oliver

Bio: Artist, Dreamer, and comic reader I read alot of different types of books, alot of trades , and enjoying the journey. Favorite writers Alan Moore, Peter David, and Greg Rucka Enjoying these books: Revival, Age of Bronze, new to this but I love the story of the Trojan war and the art is great,  Walking Dead, X-Factor,Saga, Animal Man, and Swamp Thing, dark Horse Presents http://ericoliver.blogspot.com/


The latest issue of X- factor was kind of derailed by the art work. This issue was a transitional issue…

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This issue was spectacular. Character arcs make for great stories, and that’s why X-factor is one of the best series…

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This issue of The Shade has been my favorite thus far in the series. The story really hits on all…

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OliverTwist's Recent Comments
July 16, 2012 2:45 pm Although I like a lot of his works. The quit factor makes me hesitant to commit to the work with my limited budget.
July 16, 2012 1:38 pm It is cool to see an indie getting the numbers of the big 2
July 16, 2012 1:37 pm @JonSamuelson, I agree with the rest of the guys on this one. I bet we are all collectively happy for Kirkman, but it seems like an announcement on orders vs actually sold. I was happy to see the majority of the issues sold out at my LCS, but at comic con there were a plenty, and at a jacked up price mind you.
July 11, 2012 1:09 pm Oh boy Ryan, I feel you. When ever I buy a trade I am resolved to just skip the introductions, I found I really get nothing out of reading the gush factor from another writer or artist. I was already interested in the book hence why I bought it. Upon doing some comic consolidation, I realized I have bought to many trades in anticipation of reading them, based on the fact that when I wanted to go to the next trade in the past it was sold out, or I missed that rare opportunity of time to settle down and immerse myself in the world of the created in the pages of the comic. I try to stick to one trade until I am done. Even if I don't enjoy the experience through out the trade. Comics are weird vs a novel in terms of pacing,but I realize I have to set up time to really get engrossed in the world like a novel. In terms of digital, there isn't the Visual Que to get my senses going. For me, it's been the whole reason I go to a good comic shop, I have bought many issue and trades based on a conversation and examining the panels, which I am not inclined to do with my digital issues. It's just my own hang ups though.
June 29, 2012 10:11 am This is the only comic on the news stand that makes me yell out an audible "Noooooo" whenever I get to the end.
June 28, 2012 4:07 pm I think MysterionRises points out that it's not Harry Potter which Alan Moore is referencing, but another series of books, It's worth reading his review.
June 28, 2012 4:05 pm Awesome review, I agree with you about the use of layouts and pacing unique to a comic. I started to read 1910 to prep for this one. It's a great ride. Great little things pointed out illustrating Alan Moore's references.
June 27, 2012 6:53 pm Ryan, I really dig these posts. I remember listening to sci-fi authors mentioning getting the science correct. Although story is king, I feel a balance between reality and super fantasy has to make for a better story. I really dig you pointing this stuff out. The thing that always bothered me were the massive amounts of equipment and guns strapped to a character. When I was a teenager it started to feel really unrealistic, no matter how cool the design looked, my brain would scream bloody overkill. I think it was because so many characters were created using the same template with no logical reason.
June 26, 2012 4:26 pm I'll take some of the blame, it's been in my sights, but beyond my current budget. I currently range from 3- 10 issues and a trade, depending on how well the earnings are going. I take the blame and pass it on to the industry for not expanding the market to get those would be side liners which may buy a comic or 2.